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A bit over a decade ago I began writing transgender fiction as a way to deal with my personal feelings. At the time I never expected anyone to enjoy my works, but was pleasantly surprised when my first book, Standing Up to Life, was well received in several online story forums. Beset with some writers block on the fourth book of that series, I started work on a new work, Bears Know Best. I am posting all of my works here on WattPad now as another place to maybe gain some readers. If you truly enjoy the tale it is available in ePub format from

I would like to thank and dedicate this novel to the countless authors and authoresses whose tales I have read over online. They have given me hope and helped me to understand myself more than anyone else could. Knowing others are out there is probably the biggest source of strength that any of us can draw from!

I would also like to thank all of my readers who have given me such great feedback over my previous novels. I hope you will enjoy this new work!

Finally, a big thank you especially to Carla for all of your hard work in editing my long novels!

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