Extra 1: Every Other Day

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The other day, Yoon Seri unintentionally made a part-time worker at a convenience store famous. It happened like this; Seri for the last three weeks had been seriously craving store bought triangle tuna and mayo kimbap and boiled eggs with ramen spice sauce (don't ask 😩). Lee Soo Chan and her other assistants had decided to stock up on it since she nearly went bat-shit on them the last time she couldn't find any. Ri Jeong Hyuk had tried making it at home but for some reason, it made her nauseous.

This day, the most unfortunate thing happened: the assistants couldn't find tuna and mayo kimbap anywhere and Seri decided to look for it herself. When they reached the 15th convenience store and the assistants were still out of luck, she came down herself to search for it, also to no avail. As she was storming back to the car ready to continue the search, Seri suddenly stopped and started sniffing the air. Lee Soo Chan and one of the assistants looked at each other and back at her. Following her nose, Seri found a part-time worker on break, about to bite into a triangle tuna and mayo kimbap in the seating area.

"Stop!" Seri screamed, startling the poor girl into almost dropping the kimbap. Seri approached her and with pleading eyes said, "I'll name my first child after you if you give me that kimbap. Please, give it to me". Hae Soo, the part time worker, confused and a bit scared simply offered it to her, " S-sure ma'am, you can have it if you don't mind that I've touched it."

"I don't mind, thank you so much" Seri answered, her mouth watering as she collected the kimbap. Soo Chan nodded at the other assistant who went to get a boiled egg and a spicy ramen cup and some water as well. Soo Chan approached Hae Soo who had continued staring at Seri as she devoured the kimbap while helping herself to a seat.

"Let me apologize for the behavior of my boss. She is currently pregnant and was having cravings. Hope you are not too startled." Soo Chan said to her, his face apologetic.

Well, long story short, Seri took a picture with Hae Soo calling her a life saver on her SNS and overnight, she became famous... Pregnant Seri really put the extra in extraordinary.


The other day, Ri Jeong Hyuk unintentionally discovered Seri was pregnant before she did. Some months after their honeymoon, Jeong Hyuk noticed that Seri suddenly hated the smell of perfume, the taste of coffee or alcohol and the heat of summer. She had avoided hugging people, could smell the coffee before it was done brewing and was reluctant to go out except in the evenings, even for work. He had been concerned so he researched her symptoms and came up with either a stress reaction or pregnancy.

He decided to watch her some more until his sisters, Lee Sun and Lee Hye came to visit him at work after school. Lee Sun mentioned Seri's odd behaviour the last time they went out shopping and he followed up with some comments of his own. When they were leaving, Lee Hye told him to take her to the hospital because she was likely pregnant.

Some days later, Jeong Hyuk convinced Seri to go for check up. When the doctor discovered she was four weeks along, Jeong Hyuk wasn't as surprised as Seri but he was awed at the precious thought that in some months, they will be holding the perfect combination of he and his beloved. That expression on his face appropriately masked his knowledge and some days later when Seri suddenly realized it and came out of the bathroom, mid bath and shaving stick in hand, "you knew I was pregnant didn't you?"

Jeong Hyuk paused while reading his book in bed. If I give a confident yes, she may be mad, he thought, if I say no it will be a lie... Let's go with nonchalance then.. "Yes, by chance" he responded without looking up and continued reading (scratch that, pretending to read). "Huh.." Seri said and left to continue her shower. Jeong Hyuk finally relaxed, Pregnant Seri is unpredictable. She may flip it on you in the blink on an eye. The other day, she cried because he changed the channel on her trip to the bathroom, so.... Let's just say you can't be too careful.


The other day, Jeong Hyuk came to pick Seri up from work when he had been told she was working overtime. She was currently 7months pregnant and he was concerned about her stress levels. So far, she had had a smooth pregnancy but there is no need taking the chance that something should go wrong.
On arriving at her floor, her assistants swamped him and ushered him to her door where they said she refused to let anyone in for the last hour.

On entering, Jeong Hyuk narrowly dodged a projectile paper heading for his head. Lifting his eyes, he started as he took in the room; they were papers strewn everywhere; scrap or not, her jacket hanging on the reading lamp, her bag emptied across the coffee table in the sitting area of her office. The cause of the mess was in her own world, mumbling to herself and scribbling on some paper, only to cancel it out and tugging at her hair and continue mumbling again. Jeong Hyuk walked towards the table careful not to startle her.

"Seri ah, are you okay?" She looked up at his voice and started bawling. He hastened his steps and held her in his arms, whispering comforting words to her while rubbing her back. He was finally able to make out that she was like this because she couldn't find a good name for the babies....

They had discovered at her last ultrasound that they were having twin girls and Seri had been hyper ever since. Jeong Hyuk sighed as he comforted her, "Aww, don't worry I'm sure you'll find the perfect names. You're intelligent and smart, you will figure it out. Besides, we can just name Aeri and Haeri and be done with it, OK? (A/N: the names both imply that he loves her (Lee Ae Ri (Lee loves Seri) 😂). That extracted a giggle from Seri and her tears stopped soon after.

A day after the babies were delivered, while holding their babies, their small family in a room, Seri whispered Jeong Hyuk, "Let's name them Soo Bin and Soo Hui because they are our bright and beautiful joy. Jeong Hyuk smiled and nodded, he couldn't have named them better.


The other day, the news of the twins' birth and subsequent naming reached the North. Mother Ri was ecstatic and wouldn't stop crying for joy; Director Ri had a smile on his face that wouldn't leave. A letter was also sent the boys and they were excited to be named godfathers, except someone was taking it too far....

"That wench is not half bad, see they even named the babies after me. I guess they are missing me!" Pyo Chi Soo said, leaning back with and arrogant look on his face. The others rolled their eyes, some things will never change...

A/N: Hi guys. Thanks for sticking around. "Soo" means "excellent", "Bin" means "bright" and "Hui" means "joy" in case you are interested. See you in the next chapter. Till then, Live and Love!

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