Bonus Chapter: That Wench!

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Pyo Chi Soo: this snake liquor (gesturing to the jar placed on the table by a junior officer), is one I had dug up specially for this interview. Why don't you have a glass? (Filling the shot glass across the interviewer)

Interviewer: Ehm, actually, we have a tight schedule and knowing Mr. Pyo is a busy man, we came during your lunch break. Feel free to drink during the interview, it is alright.

Pyo Chi Soo: (downs a shot glass) you know, I usually don't do this but since you absolutely need and value my opinion, I'm making an-

Interviewer: Mr. Pyo Chi Soo, please introduce yourself.

Pyo Chi Soo: (throws stink eye at interviewer then looks into the camera) I'm Captain Pyo Chi Soo of the Special Border Division First Dispatch of the Great Joseon.

Interviewer: knowing your famous relationship with her, can you tell us a bit about how you felt when you met CEO Yoon the first time?

Pyo Chi Soo: (confused) nu gu?¹ (Eun Dong leans in and whispers Yoon Seri) Ah! That wench! (Puffs up chest) She was so stuck up and troublesome. I would have buried her alive to ferment my snake liquor but Captain Ri refused. Hmmph!!

Interviewer: Do you still feel the same way?

Pyo Chi Soo: Well, she is not all bad any longer. Also, I am kind and forgiving (Ju Meok chokes with laughter but quickly adjusts his expression when he is glared at) so I let it go. Last year when she gave birth to a set of twin girls she named me a godfather so I figured she is not all bad. (The guys roll their eyes but he puffs up again).

Interviewer: you've been a captain for some years now and will leave the army next year. Do you have any plans?

Pyo Chi Soo: (looks serious suddenly) Well, I got married this year (A/N: to the make up seller from the drama, lol. They seemed a good fit) and settled down in the village so I'll continue to stay there. I decided to be a career border officer so I will not have to leave the village. My wife can continue to sell her wares at the market and I can continue to use shampoo, my hair has never been so beautiful (he pats his hair and tilts it dramatically)

Interviewer: speaking of the village, how is it living with your new neighbor?

Pyo Chi Soo: (suddenly sobers up and seats upright, nervous) it is a great honour to have the director of the General Political Bureau retire and make his permanent home in our village. Thanks to him, our village is safer and has been flourishing. His wife is a fantastic and understanding woman and has enlightened the women in the village.

Interviewer: why do we get the feeling that you are uncomfortable, Mr. Pyo? Are you alright?

(Kwang Beom leans in and whispers {he is scared of Director Ri so he gets like this. Just avoid that topic}. Interviewer meets Eun Dong and Ju Meok's eyes who are standing behind Pyo Chi Soo and they nod solemnly)

Interviewer: OK, Mr. Pyo Chi Soo, what do you think about Captain Ri as your former captain?

Pyo Chi Soo: (less nervous now bit cautious) he is a good man. I met him the first time when our special force was created, because he was quiet I thought he was intimidating and didn't invite him to the work dinner I organized then. Now, I'm grateful I know him, as an only child he is like a big brother and willingly covered our faults. When he heard I was getting married, he and that wench bought us the house we have in the village. I'm grateful I can also be a part of his children's live although I haven't met them.

Interviewer: Do you have any final comments?

Pyo Chi Soo: (looks into the camera) Comrade Ri Jeong Hyuk and Yoon Seri (surprised, Eun Dong, Ju Meok and Kwang Beom stare at him and think, so he can say her name), be happy, hug the children for me. Kwang Beom, fix your personality you're too quiet (Ju Meok's eye rolls). Eun Dong ah, I'm glad you're stronger now. Ju Meok, stop watching dramas at our house with the village women. Man bok, come and visit more often. You're the only one that appreciates my snake liquor. Finally, to my new wife (he smiles proudly) you're the best!


(Pyo Chi Soo: Great, now, that the interview is over, you can try my snake liquor. I fermented this one for almost a year! I don't give just anybody...)

¹Short form of 'Who is that' in Korean.

A/N: Hi guys, first part of the extras. I hope you stick around for more. Till then, Live and Love

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