Bonus Chapter: Ours was a Love So Beautiful

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Hi. My name, Seo Dan. My job, professional cellist. My family, 2 and a half people (half being my maternal uncle because that's how it's always been, well, according to my mother). I've decided to do this interview to answer a couple of questions so here I go...

Firstly, my family was always ruled by my mum, not because of anything but because everyone from my dad to my mum's family let her have her way. Trust me, it was easier that way. However, when I lost my dad, my mum suddenly decided to use her family connections to start a business. Everyone was surprised; not because they thought my mum was lazy but because she was always flighty. Seeing the business thrive and her taking charge of her life made me very proud of her even as a teenager.

Secondly, I have never been an open, friendly person so you could say my personality has always been somewhat mean spirited. From what you know, it's the reason why my friends keep trying to take me down a notch or two. What can I say, I'm infamous not popular. I have everything they want but the one thing I wanted, I could not get. You can say that's what makes them my friends; I'm still 'missing' something so God is fair.

Thirdly, contrary to what you may have thought, I didn't choose cello because I wanted to be with Ri Jeong Hyuk. I had played cello for 7 years before I met him so cello was a natural choice for me. I did delude myself that our love was true because we were in the same line of work; it meant we will have more to say to each other because we understand the passion and pain of music. Well so I thought at the time. After all I have experienced, I guess you could say coming back to orchestral music had a therapeutic effect on me.

Third and three quarters, Dogs no (too much fur), cats no (temperaments will clash), books German Literature and Harry Potter (don't judge me), music, Classical (Mozart) and movies none (all that sitting around can be put into playing the cello). Moving on...

Fourthly, and what you are probably most curious about, I fell in love with Gu Seung Joon when I realized that that day on the rooftop he was in a life and death situation but he still comforted me. I'm currently reliving all our memories and revisiting all the places we went together or were in together. The day he told me about Ri Jeong Hyuk going to the South to help Yoon Seri, I didn't cry because he hurt me necessarily. I cried because I realized that compared to Ri Jeong Hyuk's sacrifice, my love was too shallow to be called love because I had sacrificed nothing to get it. Now I know better; I cannot doubt my love for Seung Joon or his love for me because we swam constantly in the deep end and gave our all for the love we had.

Fifth, I know now, why people throw caution to the wind when they are in love. It is because they constantly ask themselves, what if it's my last with him? What if I never get this chance again? What if I say no and have regrets?... Or I'm I the only one that thinks this way?... So that explains why a level headed person like me, will come out in the dead of winter to see that person, will stay with him in my newly weds apartment when he is sick, propriety be damned. It's because I want to love and be loved as much as I can... It makes sense now, doesn't it?

Sixth, don't we all know a con man or two in this world? There's the ones who have it as a job, there's the ones who con their hearts (like me) and there's the ones who con people with all the 'fixes' they keep getting. I won't judge you so don't judge Seung Joon. With how he had lived as a child, he probably didn't have a choice. Besides, I don't regret his profession; it's the reason our paths crossed.

Sixth and a half (sigh... Do we have to do this?), color, red, accessory, bracelets and rings. Outfits, gowns and countryside over city (it is where I have the fondest memories. Now, can we continue?... Vacation spot Europe!!! Can we continue?!!!... Thank you).

Seventh, our time together was short, not our love. Our love is alive in my heart, so how is it short lived? I'm starting to understand that being able to marry the love of your life and accompany each other forever is a blessing. If you are not so blessed, it's alright to get married for the comfort it will give you. But for me, I am satisfied with not getting married again. Why? I am someone who has experienced the pain of liking someone who didn't like you back. I can not bring that kind of pain to another person knowing fully that I will not love him. I would rather let my love tide me.

Eighth, don't feel sorry for me. I am living my best life with all I have experienced. Had Seung Joon being alive, I would have lived better but this is the hand I was given so I will live to the fullest. Sometimes, I will have a meltdown and lose hope but I will remember a tall man, who he was to me and our love so beautiful and I will pick myself up and live again.

Ninth, what can I say? Sometimes, all your calculations will not all work out and your thoughts will not always add up. But does that matter? Just love the person without thinking too deeply about it. I was someone who planned my whole life but plans don't always work out. Seung Joon and I, it's a love I would have regretted if I didn't live it out so my advise, don't think too deeply and just love. This is Seo Dan, signing out.

A/N: Nine and three quarters... (Sorry had to, too funny to miss...)

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