Sewing Torn Pieces Together

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Yoon Seri tapped her fingers on the table in an impatient beat as she waited. She looked out of place in the prison waiting area, what with she dressed in her formal but classy wear and dourness of the room she was sitting in. Soo Chan looked tense behind her as he saw Sang Ah being brought in by the warden through the looking glass. Well, it is not in doubt that he could have been pleased to see her, being as she almost ruined his life.

Sang Ah looked her usual self though with some changes due to her present conditions; the arrogant tilt in her eyebrows, the impatient, ruthless vibe she gave off that had dimmed though, no thanks to the prison uniform and the lack of proper hair care. Two years in prison obviously had not changed her; it was enough reason for Yoon Seri to be here facing her right now.

The women sat facing each other, both refusing to talk making the other occupants of the room feel tense. They looked like sage monks in an endless battle of baduk (traditional Korean chess); unless you consider the fact that Seri obviously had the upper hand. Seri collects a file from Soo Chan and placed it on the table, pushing it towards Sang Ah. Some months ago, she notices that Sang Ah had being buying shares of Seri's Choice through a family member. She had approached her on two previous occasions to let go of the shares but Sang Ah had feigned ignorance the first time and asked for an incentive the second time; a reduction of her jail term and for Seri to tell Chairman Yoon to to stop playing god on her case. Seri took some time and when it felt like she would never return, she made this special trip to give her these 'incentives'.

"Like what you see?" Seri said, a smirk on her face as she looked away and flipped her hair. "I took the liberty of looking through some old files that I had lying around somewhere and my, my! What a fascinating find." Seri continued sarcastically as she watched storm clouds gather on Sang Ah's face. Sang Ah clenched her fists and looked up at Seri. "What is the meaning of this? What do you mean by this?"

"Oh, it's nothing much. Just some list of crimes here and there that your family has been involved in over the years. Remember, I told you the other day, that your choice of meal on our first ever meeting made me suspicious of you. So I did some research on you and had it updated every year. Let me just say, you come from a family just as talented as yourself. It's a pity the world does not know of their crimes; it will improve the knowledge of aspiring criminals." Yoon Seri said naturally as if she was talking about the weather.

Sang Ah composed herself and looked Seri in the eyes. "OK, but what does my families' crimes have to do with me? None of this is related to me so how does it count?" "I know right? But that's not the best part. Check the last page" Seri continued, false excitement in her voice. Sang Ah felt her back run cold as sweat gather on her brow; how did she....
"I thought I said Seoul is my turf. As long as I'm in Seoul, nothing is impossible for me. So, is that enough to cut a deal?" Seri said offhandedly. Sang Ah clenched her fists once again and said, "This, all of this, does not help you in any way so why will you expose it?"

"I know, but this is giving you a chance to save yourself. If this file gets in the hands of a few people, for example, my brother, you will not get a penny in the divorce. Also, your family will lose everything and the money you saved in your offshore account, they will not think twice about using it up. This is the deal I'm offering you; return my shares and I will make sure this file stays safe and away from the view of others so that you can have a life when you have served your sentence. This is the best I can offer you. You mind your business, I mind mine" Seri said, an arrogant tilt to her chin.

Sang Ah shut her eyes and sighed; she should have attacked the other brother in the first place. Going the Seri route was obviously dangerous and ineffective. Seri took another file from Soo Chan and handed it to Sang Ah. Soo Chan offered Sang Ah a pen and cowered back when she took it and glared at him. She signed it and handed it back to Soo Chan. Seri got up and made to leave, her work here was done.

On her way out, she stopped and turned back to face Sang Ah. "Just out of curiosity, why did you have the abortion? I mean, every other thing was within my calculation knowing your person. That one just threw me. Why did you?"
"At the time, there was no guarantee your brother will get the company and it would have been a nuisance to go through the whole process." Sang Ah said after some time. Seri scoffs and shook her head. "You are a daughter in law of Queen's Group. Your child would have been the first grandchild of the Yoon Family and you couldn't be bothered to have it? That nuisance is the answer to someone's prayers; I hope you know that. Now that I think about it, that was your chance at someone loving you unconditionally and awaiting your return to society; so sad that you missed it... By the way, I think Oppa's lawyers got wind of that bit of information, not from me anyway. Good luck keeping your neck above water". Seri said, walking out with Soo Chan and leaving Sang Ah in the midst of a nervous breakdown.

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