What The World Didn't Know

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"Sir, Comrade Ri Jeong Hyuk is officially dead. The Embassy in Bern held a funeral as well. The remains will be coming in a few hours." Director Ri hummed and leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes when his secretary came in with the report.

"Alright, prepare to receive the remains and organize the funeral. I will write the Supreme Commander myself and send in my retirement letter. About the gift I sent, has it arrived?"
"Yes sir, yesterday. Their meeting should be at the airport. About the funeral, I will proceed as planned". The secretary bowed and left.

Jeong Hyuk ah, Director Ri thought somewhat bitterly, forgive this incompetent father that had to gamble with your life to let you achieve your goal. I hope all our sacrifices will help you live a better life.... Chairman Yoon, your turn...


When Jeong Hyuk came through, he heard beeping sounds coming from a humidifier and men talking in low tones. He squinted at the light coming from the window hitting straight at his eyes. He tried lifting his hand to block out the light but found out that his right hand was in a cast and an IV was connected to his left hand.

"Sir, you are up? Thank goodness. Secretary Seo, please call Chairman Yoon. Lee Hyuk ssi is awake. Assistant Chu, get the nurse" Assistant Ha came forward and bowed to him. "Sir, how do you feel?"

Jeong Hyuk was confused. This is Assistant Ha, the assistant assigned him by his father. Why would he call him Lee Hyuk? Or.... "Assistant Ha, please where am I and what is going on?" Jeong Hyuk asked, trying to move in his bed but wincing in pain.
"Please sir, try not to move. I have sent for the nurse. After she checks on you, we will talk." Assistant Ha, stoic as ever, said but you could see from his eyes that he was nervous.

After the nurse checked on him, Jeong Hyuk asked to sit up. Apparently, he had dislocated his elbow and had sore ribs and knees but he was fine. The trauma from the accident had kept him in and out of lucidity for the last two days only to wake up today. Jeong Hyuk could observe from his surroundings to he was not in a hospital, but a house. An opulent one too, if the quality of the furnishings was anything to go by. Assistant Ha helped him to a chair while Assistant Chu covered him with a blanket and closed the windows slightly. She then whispered something to Assistant Ha, bowed and left.

Jeong Hyuk, after getting comfortable, met Assistant Ha's eyes. "Sir, I'm glad you are finally up. Things would have been more difficult if not."
Frown lines appeared on Jeong Hyuk's forehead. "What is more difficult? You know what? Just give me the full details of what is going on"

"Yes sir. To answer your first question, we are in Bern. Some four months ago, Director Ri relieved me of all my duties and sent me to the South to meet Chairman Yoon,  President Yoon Seri of Seri's Choice father. From what I gathered, they had kept contact for the last three years after Director Ri contacted Chairman Yoon to inform him that Ms. Yoon Seri was in the North and will cross the border soon. Since then it seems they had been planning to have you defect but that would raise charges of infidelity on your father so they crafted this plan to have you 'die' and defect to the South.

Assistant Ha watched him to see a change in Jeong Hyuk's expression. There was none. Jeong Hyuk sighed, "So, what happened with the accident?" Ha continued,
"As I said, four months ago, I was sent to the South to meet Secretary Seo and Assistant Chu. We were to run logistics and cover all basis of what could go wrong with the accident. Secretary Seo is a former NIS agent and Assistant Chu, ex military lawyer. We simulated the accident for a month and perfected all about it. The driver was a rebel of the NIS that had a kill bait on him. He had being poisoned at the concert and experienced a heart attack that caused the accident. After the car tumbled, our extraction team came in and saved us both and planted two dead people in the car before setting it on fire. I was fine but for some soreness but you were hurt so we had to call a private nurse."

"So, as far as the world is concerned, Ri Jeong Hyuk is dead? Seri as well thinks so?" Jeong Hyuk said, not knowing how to feel. "Yes sir. President Yoon also."

Assistant Ha, seeing that Jeong Hyuk was occupied with his thoughts, got up.
"I'll leave you sir. I'm outside the door if you need anything. Please take some time to recover. I will discuss the final details later."
Hearing the door close, Jeong Hyuk supported himself, leaning on the drip holder to stand beside the window, trying to gather his thoughts. He sighed, all this explains Dad's emotional state this past month. From the visit at the office to staying up to chat with him when he went home to visit; now he understands that his dad was just saying goodbye to him.

Oh dad, Jeong Hyuk thought, lifting his head to prevent tears from slipping out. Well, since he has made arrangements, we cannot disappoint him. But Seri....

After being left to his thoughts for about an hour, Jeong Hyuk called Assistant Ha into the room.
"Is there a way I can send a message to Seri? To let her know I'm safe?" Jeong Hyuk asked, his anxiety only obvious because of his tight grip on his seat. "There is, sir but it is unsafe. Although no one suspects foul play, it is better to be safe than sorry. Also, we need President Yoon to believe you are dead to keep up the ruse. However, you need not worry sir, we have settled President Yoon's side and she will be informed soon. Also, after we get to the South, you will get the chance to communicate with President Yoon."

Jeong Hyuk nodded, disappointed but not surprised, knowing his request in this situation was absurd. "Alright. Assistant Ha, walk me through my trip to South Korea." Because the fastest I leave here, the fastest I can get to Seri, Jeong Hyuk added this statement in his head....

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