Chapter 20

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Hi, it's your girl Funmito here! 👀👀

Still very much alive let me add😂❤️

I'm super duper sorry for the extremely, excruciatingly painful long awaited update (not sure if that's the right English but I'm sure y'all get the point 😂😂)

I've just been extremely busy and what's funny is that I wrote these chapters about a month back but I just haven't had the time to update.

Once again, I'm really sorry and oh yeah!

Merry Christmas in advance!! Hope we all had fun celebrating Jesus?

Mine was super fun and extremely stressful but it's all good.

Okay fine! You're tired of me talking so much so I'll leave now but before that...

I hope I've been forgiven?🥺👉👈

"Wake up sleepyhead."

I let out a loud groan before opening my eyes to see Emily zipping up my bag.

"I already helped you pack and I left out the clothes you can wear today now get up and have your bath so we can go eat breakfast and leave."

"Have I ever told you that you're my best friend?" I asked her with a small smile.

"Only like a million times." She replied with a smile of her own, "now hurry and meet us in the kitchen."

"Okay." I called to her as she walked out of the room.

I took a quick shower and packed the last of my things in my bag before heading to the kitchen.

"Hey birthday girl!" Joshua called as soon as I entered the kitchen.

"That was yesterday. I'm pretty sure it's someone else's birthday today." I told him with a smile.

"Well since I don't know anyone else, I'm sticking with calling you that." He said with a shrug before passing me a plate of bacon and eggs.

"This smells nice. Who made it?"

"I did."

I turned to see Lauren walk in with a smile of her own.

"No babe. You helped me while I did all the work." Joshua corrected her.

"You just couldn't let me take the credit." She said with a pout.

"You'll take it the next time I make breakfast for everyone." He told her before placing a kiss on her lips which made her smile.

"You guys are so cute it makes me want to puke." Emily told them with a small smile.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Lauren answered her back.

"Good morning ladies and guy." Justin greeted as soon as he walked into the kitchen with Alex behind him.

"Hello." I greeted curtly before paying attention to my food.

"Come on Fiona, don't I get a hug?" He asked before wrapping his arms around me.

"Get off Justin. Don't you understand the concept of personal space?" I grunted before pushing him off.

"I thought we already established that it doesn't work with us?" He said with a pout.

"Personal space works with everyone you dummy!" I shot back at him.

"I can't help but feel like you're mad at me."

"That emotion is a waste when it comes to you."

"Does that mean I can hug you?" He asked opening his arms wide with a smile while wiggling his eyebrows.

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