Welcome and Rules

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"Hello, I'm Nurse Joy's assistant Katlyn, welcome to the Pokemon Adoption Centre and Daycare! Nurse Joy wanted her Pokemon Centre to be different than the rest so she made it a Pokemon Centre, and Adoption Centre and a Daycare! I hope you find your new partner!" (I know I already have an adoption center but there are not many recent Pokemon Adopts).

"Now there are a couple of rules, we don't want any problems

1. No swearing if you don't get the Pokemon

2. No whining if you don't get the Pokemon, you can complain to your friends or family

3. No being rude to others if you don't get the Pokemon

4. No assuming you got it just because your first, I have to tell you you got it first

5. I know I can't control or monitor everyone who doesn't use the Pokemon they've adopted from here but can you please try to use them

6. You must fit the standards to adopt the Pokemon (usually not much)

7. With batches of Pokemon you can only have one or if the amount is over ten; two

8. The limit of Pokemon you can adopt is three to four, (this'll probably change over time)


Thank you all for listening, I hope-, anyway have a nice day!"

~ Nurse Katlyn

Pokemon Adoption Centre {HIATUS}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon