Egg Raffle 1!

56 0 14

"We have quite a few eggs that will hatch pretty soon, unlike with other Daycares you can't just leave to walk around willy nilly with the VERY DELICATE egg. First of all, we like to have fun with adoption so you and the two other people will be entered into a contest to win an egg, once all three of you are entered I will pull a random number out of three and whatever number I pull will be the winner. Soon after I announce the winner, the egg will hatch and the mystery Pokemon will be yours!"

(The Pokemon will be determined by a wheel, so don't get angry at me if you get a Bidoof or a Ratatta and don't question how I got a Palkia egg, IT WAS CHOSEN BY THE WHEEL OF WISDOM)

Egg 1

Egg 1

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Egg 2

Egg 2

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2.2: Sweetiehart46


Egg 3 (CLOSED)

Egg 3 (CLOSED)

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3.1: Sunstreakprower

3.2: ShatteredTopaz (Me)

3.3: pikafox88511

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