3. Mutant? Or Eve?

Start from the beginning

The two of them know it's me as
- according to them - I was often behaving like a mother-hen or housewife and they went from there. I told them what happened to me before I woke up from my short nap which I have no memories of. They now know of the Eve's and Servamp's and all that as I decided to inform them if ever they bump into one of them. So far nothing, none of them or the ones from C3 have passed by our district even remotely.


I also learned that I could form something similar to a contract, but its more like those pacts you read about in fictional magazines. I can give those who have one a part of my abilities. So far, only my friends and a man and woman - who are the groups leaders - have them. I suspect that it has something to do with me being a former Eve but, uhm, I'm still unsure about that theory. Anyway, I changed into my Human form and talked with them before we go eat with the other survivors.

We walked - or in my case jumped down - the stairs towards the Ground floor where a pot was made with curry

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We walked - or in my case jumped down - the stairs towards the Ground floor where a pot was made with curry. "Hello" I said stepping out with my two friends towards the gathering of people. "Ah hi! Hikaru, you guys are just in time for the food" said Lisa(OC) who divided the food and the one who I have a pact with. She represents the woman portion of the group while a guy named Dazai represents the men here. In total its 30 people with 9 kids, so, the headcount amounts to a total of 39 people.

"Yeah Hikaru smelled it all the way from the 3rd floor!" snickered Ryusei while holding a hand to his mouth and looking at me. I moved past him and just got food before him. We sat down and I changed into my smallest form which was a hamster, with that I ate my kid-sized portion. You'd think, 'why so little?' To save our recourses obviously. And I can eat like a normal human in any form so why not? It's still a grand feast for me. A simple but effective idea.

During our Lunch my phone beep'd. I raised my eyebrow changing back, grabbing my jacket and fishing it out of my pocket. 'Weird the last time this happened was 5 days ago and it was from Koyuki since he accidentally ran into zombies...' I looked up and both of them looked like they thought the same.

I opened it seeing SAKUYA standing in the middle of the screen in big letters and with repeated rings spreading from the middle outwards. Above the name stood an SOS.

So far, the survivors have all downloaded an app that was free-of-charge, which can alert you if someone in your notification-list (provided they have the app created by the government) is in trouble and send a distress signal.

My eyes widened when I got the alarm. Ryusei and Koyuki got notifications as well and we all shared looks. "If Sakuya is in trouble than it's serious, after all, he's a subclass of the guy that let swords rain down on the city!"  Ryusei clutched his phone while looking at me and Koyuki.

"Hmmmm. The Melancholy group follow Tsubaki's leadership, and he might not be around the other Servamps much, which would mean he's more likely to have a base outside of C3" I mumbled quietly. "..Alright I'll go check it out. I doubt the others have Tsubaki or any members of his group in their notifications."

I quickly wolfed down the rest on my plate and went over to Lisa. Putting my dish down I made eyecontact duty her "I'm going on patrol early, might be coming back with other survivors, also, the food was very delicious" she nodded wishing me to be careful. I then ran up the stairs where I jumped outside and changed into my dragon form taking flight.

Not even 5 min after that, I was already spewing fire out of my mouth, burning some zombies to their deaths (the government allowed that if possible to do so to minimize the 'damage'). I weaved between the buildings and towers when I saw a spot of glowing red just as I passed two office buildings. 'There!' I clipped my wings together and dived to the side cutting around the corner.

"Sakuya!" I clearly heard Tsubaki shout in concern. If not for the situation right now, I'd have been shocked enough to not control the direction of my fire anymore.

As soon as I spotted them, I also saw Sakuya surrounded by a group of Zombies with some of them holding basebal-bats or similar things. 'Tsk! These ones are more clever!' I then heard Belkia shout? scream? but I was already smashing some of the Zombies in front of Sakuya into the ground.

Beneath my breath they collapsed to cinders while the rest were getting bound by my shadows.. before meeting their end the same way as the first ones. While cleaning up I hid Sakuya with one of my wings and made him lean against one of my... clawed foot.

Someone jumped at me from the side, "Give me Sakuya back!" yelled Tsubaki passing by that scorpion subclass of his and charging at me with multiple of his eerie Katana's 'Sigh..'.

"I mean no harm you bloody lot of idiots" I said stopping him mid-jump with my shadow-vines. I said idiots cuz Sakuya still held onto one of Tsubaki's Katana's and was pointing it to my feet even though his left side was heavily injured with a hole in it and his head looked like it was used like a ball for the baseball-bat's. I shivered not thinking about bad dreams or post traumatic ideas.

By now all Zombies were mere ashes lying on the cold floor which had some burn marks on them. I kept Tsubaki down and retracted my bindings.. but I didn't return Sakuya from under my wing yet. Tsubaki was standing slightly to the side with his posture but still held his sword up and was looking at me skeptically with his eyes narrowed. 'Really they all are just too similar to their animal forms..' I idly looked right back at him. 'His kimono had seen better days'. Blood, that's all one had to say to describe the difference.

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