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"oh my god!" maggie yelled as she got in kingsley's car. 

"oh my god!" kingsley responded. 

"did you see the instagram post?" maggie excalimed.

"what was chris talking to you about?" kingsley asked in a yell. 

"the intagram post!" maggie responded just as loud, if not, louder.

"why are we yelling?" kingsley asked.

"because mr. 'i can't be your second choice' and 'mrs. gimme your boyfriend right now' are 'literal crackheads'!" maggie screamed.

"oh my god!" kingsley threw her bead back in a laugh. "is that was chris was talking to you about?"

"kind of, it's better. i would've told you sooner, it's just mrs. renow," maggie began to explain. 

"oh, yeah, i figured, no worries." kingsley said as she shifted in the drivers seat to face maggie. the cars around her were slowly leaving the school parking lot but kingsley and maggie had serious stuff they needed to talk about. right before maggie began, a white toyota pulled up right next to maggie's window. "oh hang on." kingsley smiled. "it's vinnie and micha." 

"hey, y'all gonna spend the night in the parking lot?" micha asked from the passenger seat after kingsley rolled down the window. 

"hey, vinnie," maggie began. "don't you wish you and kings were as cute as chris and effiel?" vinnie shook is head in laughter. 

"you coming to my game?" vinnie asked, more towards kingsley than anyone else. kingsley nodded her head with a smile. 

"hell yeah! now it'll be fun!" micha smirked looking at kingsley. 

vinnie reached his hand over and smacked the back of micha's head. "i'll make you walk, bitch."

"bye kings, bye maggie." micha smiled before vinnie began diving away. 

maggie laughed and rolled up her window. "okay, so as i was saying. chris was talking to me and he wanted me to tell you that he's no longer interested." 

"you're kidding?"

"look, i know you were really debating on dumping vinnie for him," kingsley joked.

"this man is crazy." 

"well, now you know. chris is no longer on the table."

"hm, bummer." kingsley laughed and began to drive.

* * *

kingsley finished up writing the answers to the last couple of problems for her english homework before she got ready to leave for vinnie's game. when kingsley was almost finished, her phone rang. she glanced at the unknown number with a puzzled look on her face but answered anyway.

"hello?" she asked.

"hey kingsley, it's chris." he sounded caught up. like he was doing eight things at once.

"why are you calling me?" kingsley asked.

"look, i know you and i aren't friends,"

"yeah, you said that." she reminded. 

"i know but i don't know what to do or who to talk to,"

"chris, what's going on?"

"effiel's pregnant. and i'm pretty sure it's mine."

❇️ b speaks ~
hey guys! can you tell i'm loosing motivation
for this story? 😁 i might put this story on hold.
i just wanna write about other things you know?
like things i'm actually interested about. idk.
anyways, thank you for the support!

not a game - vinnie hacker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now