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"what if she –"

"stop it. you're doing this." kingsley said sharply. she was back at chris' house for what she promised vinnie to be the last time. kingsley had convinced chris to finally class effiel after two days. 

"she's gonna be mad." chris said removing the ringing phone from his ear. 

"hello?" a muffled voice escaped from the phone. 

chris' eyes widened before picking up the phone and putting it to back to his ear. "hey." he responded. "um, i think we need to talk." 

"speaker!" kingsley mouthed and chris nodded. 

"yeah, okay." effiel said. 

"um, so what's the update?" chris asked and received a weird look from kingsley. 

"nothing much. i took the test and sent it to you." effiel mumbled.

"yeah but then you ghosted me." 

"yeah, about that. i'm sorry, chris. i know you must have been going crazy."

"uh, yeah, kinda." chris nervously chuckled. 

"sorry, i just – it was a lot for me to process. i was worried about my parents and what i wanted and – i'm sorry. it wasn't fair to you." effiel explained. kingsley was astonished at effiel's attitude. she wasn't her bratty, cocky self. she was accountable, and scared. 

"yeah, no, i get it." chris said. 

"thanks. i just feel really alone." effiel let out a forced chuckled in attempt to lighten her previous statement. 

"i wanna help you. i just need to know what's going on to do that." 

"yeah, you're right sorry." effiel laughed but the stress held in her voice. 

"so, you think it's mine."

"yeah, i mean, i haven't been with anyone else in like, seven months."

"yeah, well, that would be me."

"yeah..." effiel said and it was obvious she was dreading whatever chris was going to say next. 

"go on." kingsley silently mouthed.

"well, i want you to know that i'll help you. and anything you wanna do i'm cool with."

"thank you, chris." effiel went quiet again. "i don't really know what i want to do with it, chris."

"that's fine!" he quickly said. "i mean, it's been what? three days? you have time."

"yeah, yeah, you're right." 

"this isn't a choice you wanna rush, so, we'll work on your schedule." chris chuckled. 

"well my mom and i are gonna go see a doctor."

"oh? already? can you do that? can you even see anything?"

"to talk, chris." 

"oh." chris said and looked up to kingsley who was smiling and gave him an encouraging thumbs up.

"yeah. they're just gonna tell me about what choices i have." 

"okay, that's good." 

kingsley felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket. she glanced at the screen.


vinnie hey are you still at chris'?

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hey are you still at chris'?

yeah, i'm about to leave though. 

wanna come over?

yes pls

i'm leaving in like 5

take your time

any updates?

he called her and she seemed so nice


like i would want to be friends with her based off of that phone call alone


i know it's crazy

does she know what she wants to do with the baby?

no but she's going to a doctor to talk about her choices 

how do you know all this?

speaker phone

nosey ash

yeah tbh 

i'll see u soon

kk love you

i love you too


* * *

"hi, ms. hacker!" kingsley smiled as vinnie's mom opened the door. 

"hey, sweetheart! it's good to see you! vinnie's upstairs!"

"it's good to see you too! thanks!" kingsley smiled as she jogged up the stairs. 

"go away!" vinnie hollered after kingsley knocked on his door. 

"ouch." she smiled as she walked into his room. 

"oh, hey!" vinnie smiled when he saw it was kingsley. 

"you're mean." kingsley smiled as she kicked off her shoes and sat on vinnie's bed, next to him. vinnie leaned in and gave her a quick kiss. "what're working on."

"an essay."

"oh no." 

"no, this one's good!"

"you know i love you, and you're the best boyfriend ever, but none of your essays have been good, vin."

"no, but this one's good. look, read it. it's about the climate." kingsley smiled at how excited vinnie was.

❇️ b speaks ~ 
hello beautiful folks! i love y'all

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