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"yeah, okay, just text me when you can. okay, good luck!" kingsley smiled as she put her phone away.

"so, how's he doing?" vinnie asked as he merged lanes. 

"completely freaking out. he got to the hospital and effiel's already in the delivery room."

"i hope it all goes well."

"i know, me too. she'll be fine." 

"are you gonna go visit them?" 

"mhh, probably not." 

vinnie turned his head to kingsley for short second before looking back on the road. "really? why not?"

"i don't know. she'll be tired and she probably won't wanna see me." 

"yeah, but chris will." 

"he'll be tried too. i'll just wait a few days." 

"if you say so."


@lovingeffel just posted a photo

liked by others@lovingeffiel: welcome to the world, izzy!

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@lovingeffiel: welcome to the world, izzy!

view all 213 comments

@user: look how cute!!!

@user: i love that name!

@kingsleynash: so happy you and isabella are healthy!

@user: happy for you and chris!!!!

@user: that's so adorable

@user: what a cutie!


kingsley put her book down and picked up her ringing phone. 

"hello?" kingsley answered.

"hey, is this kingsley nash?" 

"this is she."

"hi, kingsley, it's effiel."

"oh, oh! hi, effiel! how're you doing? is there anything i can do?"

"oh, no thanks. i'm doing really good actually."

"good! i saw the photo, she's adorable, effeil! congratulations."

"yeah, she is pretty perfect, isn't she?" effiel chuckled. "anyways, the reason i'm calling is to just thank you," she hesitated. "and to say that i'm sorry." 

"oh, uh, yeah, sure." kingsley stuttered.

"i just, i know that chris was loosing his mind and that i could've handled this a lot better and," she paused. "i just wanted to thank you for talking things through with him and, just, being there for him." kingsley couldn't think of anything to say. "and i wanted to apologize for all the bullshit i put you through." 

"wow, uh, yeah. i mean i was happy to be there for chris."

"yeah, well, thanks again. that's all i wanted to say."

"of course. well, good luck with isabella!" 

effiel laughed. "yeah, thanks! i'll see you around."

"see you around."

kingsley sat her phone on her bed and stared at it for a few seconds before quickly calling maggie.

"hey, what's up?" 

"you won't believe what just happened." 

❇️ b speaks ~
ta daaa! thank you thank you THANK YOU to everyone who has and will show support to me and this book. you guys motivate me like no other. i had so much fun writing this. i love you guys!

to anyone in the south and specifically my fellow texans, PLEASE STAY SAFE. boil water, keep your electronics charging, and please stay warm.  

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