Cased Up

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Zora POV

My grandfather and I were at the Banks House as we were sitting in the kitchen playing Monopoly

It was Will's turn as he was shaking the dice over his head

"Got to shake 'em, not tryin' to break 'em.

et's go. Looking fo' little jo. Everybody screams when deuce deuce hits the flo'." Will said as Carlton moved his piece

"There. Right where you belong, in jail." Carlton told him

"Hey, Zee, can I borrow some money for protection while I'm in the slammer? I am kind of cute, you know?" Will pleaded me with puppy dog eyes

"Sorry, babe. The rent just went up." I said counting my money

"And I am moving on up to park place. My turn." I said as I grabbed the die

"Lookin' fo' little jo! Mama's gonna buy a new Gucci bag from the. sto'!" I said

"We're home, everybody." Hilary said as she walked in with her new boyfriend Eric

Uh, good evening, Mrs. Banks, Mr. Banks, Mr. Allen. Uh, how wonderful it is to see the whole family spending time together. I thought that only happened on "The Cosby Show." Eric said as I nodded

"Well, Eric, son, you're back early." Mr. Banks said

"Oh, well, you know me, sir. I wouldn't want to, uh violate your curfew." Eric said

"It ain't his curfew he worried about you violatin'" Will said

"Hey, you must be Carlton. Wow, your father really speaks highly of all of you at the law firm." Eric said to Will

"No, no, no, my man. I'm Will." He said shaking his hand

"Who?" He asked

"So, then, Eric, did you two have a nice time at dinner?" Mrs. Banks asked

"Oh, yes, ma'am.  The restaurant Mr. Banks recommended was excellent. The view was magnificent and, of course, it was only enhanced by your beautiful daughter." He told her as Hilary giggled

"Oh, and I can definitely see where she gets her looks from." He said as Mrs. Banks giggled

"He is smooth" I whispered to Will and Carlton

"Man, see, I thought you sucked up.
You're just a dust buster compared to that dude." Will told Carlton

"Oh, yeah? When I'm his age, I'll be twice the suck-up." Carlton said

"Follow your dreams honey" I said

"Eric, I don't know what it is but you look a little different this evening." My grandfather told him

"I made him take off those tired glasses." Hilary said

"Well, she thinks I look like Blair Underwood without them." Eric said

"Obviously, Hilary the one that need the glasses." Will said

"Um, I brought a video home. Would anybody care to watch?" Mr. Banks said

"Great, dad. I hope it's a James Bond film." Carlton said

"Close. It's Banks. Philip Banks. When I won the Markus vs. State of California case." Mr. Banks said

"Um, honey, uh, I-I'm sorry, but I'd love to watch but I have to, uh, balance my checkbook." Mrs. Banks said leaving

"Uh, not without your banker." Ashley said following behind her

Zora Allen (Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air)Where stories live. Discover now