Nice Lady

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Zora POV

I was in the kitchen with Ashley and Carlton as I was helping Ashley with her math homework and Geoffrey was cleaning

She showed me her work as I shook my head as she erased the problem as Geoffrey vacuumed up the eraser pieces

She showed me her problem again as I shook my head and she erased it as Geoffrey vacuumed again

"A hundred and sixty-three? Oh, this whole page is wrong." Ashley said as she was about to erase but Geoffrey snatched her pencil

"Geoffrey." Ashley yelled

"I'm sorry, Miss Ashley. But I'm trying to keep
this place tidy. Lord Fowler and his daughter
Lady Penelope will be here at any moment." He told her

"Well, why are so you nervous about it?" I asked him

"Lord Fowler gave me my first job as a full-fledged butler. And he's very important men in Britain." He explained

"Oh. Well, I wouldn't want to embarrass you.
British people have really good manners." Ashley said

"Ashley, Zora, I used to be intimidated by the British. I thought they were superior in taste
style, and breeding. And then I saw Benny Hill." Carlton told us

"Master Carlton. First of all, I Like Benny Hill.
Secondly, while Lord Fowler is here, I must ask you to keep wisecracks like that to yourself. During his stay, I want all of you children to maintain an air of quiet dignity." He told us as Will came in singing with a dreadlock wig on

♪ I shot the sheriff ♪
♪ But I did not shoot
the deputy ♪
♪ Oh no ho ♪ he sang

Will came behind me amd wrapped his arms around me pulling me back into his chest as I laughed at his silliness as Carlton looked up at us

"Geoffrey,mon. Do da limbo with me." Will said in a Jamaican Accent as he held up a broom stick

Geoffrey ripped his wig off and put the broom stick down

"This is precisely what cannot happen when Lord Fowler arrives." Geoffrey said

"Yo, G. What's my name? The prince, right?
I know how to deal with royalty. Don't worry. I'll be at the peak of Schweppervescence.
Hey, check it out. You be the English dude." Will told him

"Very well. Please to meet you, William." Geoffrey said holding his hand out

"And I am honored to meet you, Lord Fowler." He said as Will shook his hand but buzzed him in the process

That night my grandfather had come over as we all were having tea

Carlton was behind me with his hands wrapped around me as I leaned into his embrace

"Lady Penelope. Wow. It must be great being a lady. I mean, spending all your time shopping going to lunch with friends and just sitting around being waited on hand and foot. I wonder what that would be like." Hilary said as we all looked at her she just described herself

"One can only imagine." Geoffrey said

"Actually, I go to a small convent school and the nuns work us hard. We scrub the floors
and cook the meals. And on the weekends,
we do all the laundry." Lady Penelope told us

"Ew. What a gyp." Hilary said

"Well, we're looking forward to taking you to dinner tonight." Mrs. Banks said

"Oh, splendid. Dinner will be a perfect time for me to bring you all up to date on the new bills pending before Parliament. We've made some fascinating strides in maritime legislation. I'll go into greater details
at dinner." Lord Fowler told us as we all looked around

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