Kiss My Butler

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Zora POV

Today was Geoffrey's birthday so we were all in his room. Will walked over to his bed and smiled as Geoffrey woke up and screamed

"See, I told them you were awake" Will told us

"Happy birthday, Geoffrey!" We all yelled

"Oh, my! I'm so touched. Um, may I get you anything?" Geoffrey asked

"Geoffrey, don't be silly. You're always worried about pleasing us. But today it's Saturday, we're home and we're waiting on you." Mrs. Banks told him

"But, but this is highly irregular." Geoffrey told her

"Geoffrey, I don't wanna hear it. Today we're your butlers. Here's breakfast in bed." Hilary said as Carlton gave him the tray

"Is there anything else you would like?" Hilary asked 

"Um, a spot of tea." He said

"Carlton." Hilary said

"Will." Carlton said

"Ashley." Will said

"Zora" Ashley said

"Hilary" I said

"I'll get the tea. Would you like anything with that?" Geoffrey asked

"Geoffrey, relax. It's your birthday. And we're going to do all of your most hated chores." Mr. Banks said

"But, sir, I don't hate any of my chores." Geoffrey told him

"Well, we do." He told him

"So, Geoffrey, are you gonna do anything special for your birthday?" Ashley asked him

"Oh, most assuredly, Ms. Ashley. Tonight I will be enjoying a BBC broadcast of Gilbert and Sullivan's "H.M.S. Pinafore" followed by a penetrating interview by David Frost." Geoffrey told her

"Ooh! And they say the man can't party." I said sarcastically

"Well, Geoffrey, before we get you your tea there's something else we'd like to do for you." Carlton said as he blew a kazoo

"Carlton, put away that tired old kazoo, please. Get busy for me one time,
skinny A." Will said as he started beatboxing

♪ Happy birthday my man G ♪

♪ Because you knows the most
about butlery ♪

♪ So don't move an inch
stay where you sit ♪

♪ We're gonna treat you
like the king of Brit ♪ she rapped

♪ Huh ♪♪ Will said as they crossed thier arms and gave a mean mug as Geoffrey laughed

We all walked downstairs into the living room

"Did you see that look on Geoffrey's face? He just lit up." Carlton said

"I never thought I'd say this, but it feels really good to do something for somebody else for a change." Hilary said sitting down

"Aren't we supposed to make him some tea?" Ashley asked

"Oh, right. Ashley, honey, how'd you like to go into the kitchen and introduce Mr. Tea Bag and Mr. Teapot to Mr. Boiling Water?" Hilary asked

"Hilary, how would you like to make the tea before I take away Mr. Allowance?" Mrs. Banks said as I sat down

Zora Allen (Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt