Not With My Pig, You Don't

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Zora POV

Carlton and I were sitting on the couch doing a crossword as I laid my head on his chest and he had his arms around me

"What is a four letter word for an intense feeling or deep affection" Carlton asked as I was about to answer when Ashley walked in the living room

"Daddy isn't back yet" Ashley said

"Oh sweetie I'm sure he's fine" I reassured her

"Yeah it is pretty late" Carlton agreed looking at his watch

"Oh sweetie I'm sure he's fine" I reassured him rubbing his arm

"Let's try to finish this crossword" I said as he nodded

"This one is two separate words what is a romantic relationship where two people love the same person" he said as I was about to answer

"What are you two doing" Will asked walking behind us as we jumped

"We're doing a crossword puzzle" Carlton told him

"You wanna help" I asked

"Geez that sounds like so much fun" He said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes

"We'll finish later" I told him as Hilary and Mrs. Banks walked in the living room

"Shall I continue to delay dinner, madam?" Geoffrey asked

"Yes, Geoffrey. I don't know where he could be. He's never late without calling.

"Do you think daddy's alright?" Ashley asked worriedly

"It's awfully late, mom." Carlton said

"Okay, let's not jump to any conclusions. I know we're all worried,
but let's not.." Mrs. Banks said as Will screamed as we all looked at him

"Oh! Bill Cosby has a streetwise
niece coming on his show. That should be decent." Will said looking at the tv guide

"I'm home." Mr. Banks said walking in the living room

"Daddy." Ashley said running over to him

"Philip, where have you been?" Mrs. Banks asked him

"I was at the office. I'm sorry I didn't call, but I wanted to rush right home
with the great news. What is the highest recognition a self-made Black professional can receive?" He asked

"A raise!" Hilary said smiling as she hugged her father

"No, darling, it's not a raise. I'm getting
the Urban Spirit Award." Mr. Banks said

"Oh, Philip, we're so proud of you." Mrs. Banks said as I got off the couch

"Congratulations Mr. Banks" I said hugging him

"Is it a cash award?" Hilary asked

"Hilary, don't be so shortsighted. This award is an honor which leads to prestige which leads to cash." Carlton said walking over to us

"Well, the community leaders are recognizing me for helping our brothers and sisters on the streets." Mr. Banks said as Will stood up

"But the only time I've ever seen
you on the streets is when you're waiting for the valet to bring your car around." Will said laughing

Zora Allen (Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air)Where stories live. Discover now