Seven Minutes In Heaven (Orange)

Start from the beginning

Just the sound of his melodic voice ringing from the doorway as he greeted a short, "Hey, guys." was enough to send you over the edge.

And the moment your eyes met with his calm, latte orbs as he smiled and took you in from behind his shiny, round glasses, you felt your face heat up so much that you had to look out the window next to you and onto the dried field outside - praying to anyone who could hear that he does not notice you blushing.

Oh no... I think I like Lawrence. You said under your breath. And that was the start of everything.

You thought you had been smooth and effectively secretive about how you felt.

You never even approach Lawrence unless the matter to discuss was important. You never say anything aside from what was courteous and necessary.

How Judy still managed to figure it out despite your attempts wad beyond you.

Thinking about the circumstances that lead to her discovery caused a nervous frown to come creeping up your face. But you pushed it down and retorted with confident emphasis, "No, it wasn't." while folding your arms across your chest to make it appear like what she was stating was far from the truth.

And you would have given everything just so she would be convinced. But she wasn't.

With her mouth curling up into a large, bow-shaped grin and eyes narrowing dramatically as though she couldn't read the name she wrote herself, she moved her face as close as she could towards the piece of paper and spoke in a loud and shameless way.

"(Y/N) picked Lawrence~!"

The way she said it dreamily in a high pitched, girly tone as she twirled around with her arms up in the air was like a realism of exactly how you felt the moment you saw his name scribbled onto the stick - like you weren't already anticipating to see the word to be written in bold letters the moment you unfold it.


It was like a dream.

But now you couldn't be happy about it.

How could you be when the way that the carrot-haired girl teased you as she bounced off the floor like it was her who would get to spend seven minutes with her crush made you want to run away. Or to sink into the concrete floor where you stood.

And the feeling of regret only grew all the more when Zion added in a questioning manner, "Do you really think Lawrence would want to stay in there?" with a thumb pointing in the direction of the supply closet a few feet behind him. "Seems unlikely for such a sensitive kid."

The comment made you stop because he was right.

Sure you were happy that if the situation and the gods would permit, you'd get to spend seven minutes with the boy that you had been having tender feelings for.

But on the other hand, you were also aware that Lawrence, although mild-mannered, patient, and soft spoken, can also be direct, overly formal, serious-minded and strict. It was a stroke of good luck that on the occasions when you would do the patrol together, he's in enough of a good mood to humor your talkative and inquisitive nature.

But how about this time?

This thought made you especially nervous that your mouth opened unconsciously - uttering a timid. "I'm sorry, Lawrence." as you turned to face the brunette who was still standing at the side of the teacher's podium. You hoped not to bother him too much and wished to express that. You wanted to let him know that, ultimately, the choice was his if he wanted to proceed with playing the game.

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