Chapter 33 (It's On)✔️

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Arianna's POV

Ugh! I couldn't believe that girl had the nerves to kiss Lucas right in front of me! Im pretty sure my grade knows that I like Lucas! And she just stole Lucas' first kiss on the cheek! I am not letting her steal that first kiss on the lips.

I was happy we got to do just whatever. So I ran over to my friends.

"So Kenzie just kissed Lucas!"

"What! How!"

"Well I was talking to him,then she came,then she kissed him!"


"Im happy it was just on the cheek. If it was on the lips I would've slapped that little spoiled brat."

Lucas then came over to us.

"Hey Arianna!I hope you don't mind..."

"Its okay Lucas. She likes you,and we're not dating anyways. No hard feelings."

Yea I lied. I was so mad at Mackenzie! And how he just stood there! Okay he didn't expect that,but he could've done something.

Lucas hugged me,then I hugged him back. He ran back to his friends and my friends were awhing.

"Okay,I'm done with Mackenzie. Why does she even hate me! It can't just be because of her group."

I was putting every clue into my brain,like it was a puzzle. It seemed like she had everything she wanted.

"Well,we have to get her back some way."

"Hmm. What does she love,who does she love,whats her favorite thing?"

"Well,she has a youtube,and I'll look at who she's subscribed to! I'll text you who it is."

"Thank you so much!"

We heard the bell and knew it was time to go to class.

We wrote down our homework,cleaned,then got out.

Mackenzie was taking the bus today,ugh I hope she sits in the back. But that girl had the nerve to come and talk to me.

"Why don't you kiss Lucas? His cheeks felt like soft clouds."

"I don't want my first kiss to be because of jealousy...unlike some people."

"As if I'm jealous! I could get Lucas to be on my side whenever!"

We got on the bus and I decided to sit next to Lucas and Alex.

We were laughing the entire time. I may have glanced over and saw Mackenzie glaring at us.

When we stopped,the seats over were empty so Mackenzie moved up.

"Hey Lucas! Come sit with me!"

"Uh it's okay.I'm fine here."

"Oh come on! You wanna sit next to me right?"

I'm thankful the bus started moving and she nearly fell off trying to impress Lucas.

It was our stop,so the kids and I got off the bus and walked up the hill. We walked in to dad vlogging. He cut it off,came over and kissed us,then turned on the camera again.

"Hey kids how was escuela! What'd you learn?"

"It was good!"

I actually said it was good,I got to talk to Lucas and might even get revenge on Mackenzie.

Mom came in with Daxton,and I took him to get him off her hands.

"Will you please elaborate?"

"Well,the magic show was great!" I said stuffing my face with a carrot stick.

The rest of the kids talked,then dad shut the camera off.

"Okay Arianna spill it,what did that Mackenzie girl do?"

"Well,she kissed Lucas right in front of me."

"You mean pretty boy! I thought you didn't like him."

"I do like him!"

Then I saw the red light.


I ran to hide under the couch.

"Avia remember this with Cesar! Hi Cesar!"


She ran over and we huddled under the couch. Dad gave us the whole "you'll be like awhh that was me when I had a crush on him!"talk.

Avia and I retalliated at first,then finally agreed.

We brought our bags over and started our homework.

After an hour or so,I finished and asked mom and dad if I could go on Instagram.

I basically ran the kids Instagram. I was getting dms from so many fans,but I scrolled to find Lana's.

So turns out,Mackenzie loves o2l,Tyler Oakley,Superwoman,iJustine,Rhett and Link,Nigahiga,and most of all you guys!

AGAE_kidz hmm,interesting. Who does she have a crush on?

Well clearly Lucas,but I might think also Aiden from her class.

Well I don't want Lucas mad,so I'll go with the youtubers. Thanks Lan!

No problemo Ari😘

I ran over to dad exporting the vlog.



"When do you think we'll see o2l,Tyler Oakley,Superwoman,iJustine,Rhett and Link,and Nigahiga?"

Oh Mackenzie.

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