Actually Exposing the Males

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Rachel - aanonomouss


Ben and Mike were talking amongst themselves when I arrived at their guard post.

I had to say, when I realized they were debating about which cheese tasted the best, Isn't surprised. They were just acting like a normal boy during a time of boredom- just throwing out random topics to lighten the mood.

I immediately put back on my original fake mood, plastering a fake smile on my face and sashaying over to them. Holding my head high, I swung my hips and stopped directly next to them, watching as Mike immediately put on his trademark wolfish smile, bowing slightly and politely saying hello.

Ben, on the other hand, slapped Mike's face.

"Stay on duty!" he whispered. "We're not supposed to get distracted!"

I was genuinely surprised by this reaction, since Ben looked like he wasn't even into the job himself. It seemed he was on the brink of falling into the pit of this has no point and jumping onto a roller coaster. The look on his face said everything.

Mike was still unconvinced, despite Ben's warnings. It was clear he was smitten with me- which wasn't unusual- but I was relatively disappointed in how he didn't even hesitate to leave his job. He didn't know it, but the fate of Florida was in his hands!

I held in the urge to smack him upside the head, continuing my act.

"So...any of you two interested in riding Space Mountain with me?" I said flirtingly, twirling my hair and staring into their eyes. Ben was still holding back, though I could tell he was about to lose his grip. On the other hand, Mike took my hand like a gentleman and led me over to the ride.

"You take care of the watching and I'll go take a ride with this girl," Mike said wolfishly. "I'll be back soon!"

Ben waved his hand on protest, but I was already leading him towards the ride. The point of this mission was to drag them into the plan, then expose them, so I wasn't going to give Mike any other sort of chance.

Ben stared longingly at Mike, though after a quick battle inside his mind, he managed to hold himself back and let out a giant sigh.

"Have fun," he shouted out to his friend. Mike smiled back in response. I dreamed of the lecture he would get after the ride ended.

Mike, who was still hand-in-hand with me, tried to make some small talk, but I waved most of it off with some simple responses. I wasn't going to start actually talking with him until the ride started.

After arriving in the line, I managed to exit myself from Mike's grip. According to the sign on the very top, we would be waiting in the line for exactly forty-two minutes. Just enough time for me to decide what form of torture I should do on Mike.

From the looks of it, we would be waiting in the line for a while, and I was going to have to survive the whole time. With Mike hitting especially hard on me, the drone of the fan blades on the ceiling, and the fact that Ben was actually being a good schoolboy, I was pretty much stuck in hell.

"So... what's your name?" Mike said to me. I quickly came up with the first cover-up fake name that popped into my mind.

"It's Stacy," I said. "What's your name?"

"It's Mike," he said. "Mike Brezinski."

I was kind of surprised- seeing he was the president's daughter's girlfriend, then I was kind of worried he was revealing his full name around everywhere. At least one person was going to recognize him, especially because it had been revealed earlier that he was a junior CIA Agent.

"Did someone say Mike Brezinski?" the girl in front of us suddenly said. She pushed through two people, who weren't very happy about this aggressive action, and took a look at us. Mike pu ton the most innocent smile he could and said: "Who? It's not me."

"You're not fooling anyone here. I know it's you, Mike," she said, pulling out her phone and turning on a social media app. "Can I get a selfie with you? This post will go viral! Pleaaasseeee??"

Mike, who was usually relatively smooth when talking to girls, suddenly became Ben in the world of flirting. "I... um, I don't think I should be doing anything like that. How about we lay off the photos for no-"

The girl popped into Mike's personal space, snuggled up against him and took a quick picture. I could see from the corner of my eye her tapping a caption on her phone screen. 'Just met Mike Brezinski. Looking good!'

I sighed. Girls these days were just a little too into gaining views and likes on social media. Have you no shame when it comes to doing something else other than viewing your twitter account?

Mike, who was still trying to ward off the new girl, was obviously trying to get my attention to be focused on him again. I could catch him temporarily flexing his muscles when my eyes came into his body's view- an action that I considered very disturbing. I was starting to think less of this new spy, though I still had the main mission to complete: embarrass him.

The new girl, who what I knew now was Kate, was still badgering Mike about his status of being the first daughter's boyfriend. 'What does the white house look like? Have you ever kissed her? How does it feel to have Secret Service agents guarding you while on a date?'

Mike just quickly answered all the questions. Clearly, he didn't want to engage in more conversation with this girl. 

The last question the new girl asked made me wish that I had never even brought Mike over here: 'Can you recruit me into being a Junior Spy agent? I heard you were one on TV.'

Mike basically gave up on his temper at that question, turning around and ignoring Kate. His face was red at this point, and I could tell his visible act of trying to hold in his lecture against the new girl.

Kate, on the other hand, was quite amused. Grinning, she took out a camera from her pocket and revealed that she had been recording the entire conversation

"Thanks for the content," she said, smiling even more. "Now I'll really get a viral video. I though you were a spy, Mike."

With this, she took off a wig she had been wearing, revealing a face that was a bit too familiar to me.

"Rachel?" Mike said, gawking at her face. "Why are you here?"

Some background information: Rachel is a spy-in-training. She had quickly become friends with Mike when he just got recruited, but these days he was too tooken up by missions to have time and converse with anybody at the Academy.

Rachel was your normal, run-out-of-the-mill girl: Brown eyes, flashy, bouncy, brunnette hair with some dyed lavender highlights, nail polish, and a cute face. She was the kind of girl you needed when you wanted to do an undercover mission, since she could easily slip her personality into different phases.

I feigned confusion, looking back and forth between the two. "Wait- Mike, you're a spy? And who's this Rachel? Your girlfriend?"

They both blushed profusely as Mike shook his head. "She's not with me."

"Though it'd be nice it I was, to be honest," Rachel said with no sense of embarrassment whatseover. After a quick look from Mike, she shrugged. "Hey- you have to admit, he's pretty handsome."

Mike and Rachel were still oblivious of my act. So far, everything was going accordingly. The only bad thing was that I had not planned accordingly to fit Rachel into this mission.

Alright, I'm ending this scene here. Sorry if this writing sucked- I was literally typing on and off while multitasking multiple things, so I kind of got off into a bunch of tangents and had to force myself to write again. Anyways, CHARACTER INTERVIEWS END IN TWO DAYS! I've received a ton already, and I've read through most of them, though I'm going to say that some of you are literally just joking around and putting random things. Please, refrain from doing that.

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