Exposing the Males

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ANNOUNCEMENT: I will slowly introduce the characters of all the people who send character interviews in- though I will ignore some that I didn't like.

Ivar - dragonbornletter 

Chloe - crxshi


No explanation is needed, girls. Just look at the title. Guys, scram, because you're not going to like this chapter at all.

Before I could even make it to Ben and Mike, what I expected to be a couple stopped my sashay over to the boys. They were consisted of two people- both about my age, though completely normal.

The boy on the left was relatively short, though not too short. He wore glasses, sported an I believe I can fly T-shirt and some flashy shoes. His hair was pretty much the messiest thing I've ever seen in my entire life.

"Hi!" he said enthusiastically the second I walked a few steps. "How are you today?"

I held in my retort about his questionable fashion choice and quickly avoided an immediate conversation. "I'm good."

The girl, who was next to the boy, was pretty much the polar opposite of him. She was about my height, looked especially athletic, wore a dress that paired perfectly with her eyes, and looked pretty typical. Her neat coffee-brown hair stuck out amongst the other people and she looked like the type of person to spend all night reading a book.

 I didn't know if she was in a relationship with the guy, but I had to say... the guy was really out of her league. The guy was more of a Ben type of person, at least in my opinion. But Ben was better-looking than him. (Berica shippers, please don't make a field day with this.)

"What's your name?" the boy put in, examining my face. "You seem... familiar to me."

What? I thought. I seem familiar to someone? Is this a dream?

"Familiar?" the girl said. "Ivar, have you been meeting people in private on dating websites or something?"

"No!" Ivar said, blushing profusely. "I just think I've seen her somewhere."

"Is that why you made us walk over to her? You realize we're supposed to be with the rest of the group right now, right?" the girl said again, motioning over to a group of kids near a kiddie ride.

"No, Chloe!" Ivar said. "The reason why I brought you over here is because I saw a bulge on her shirt," he said proudly, motioning towards me. I cringed in digust when I realized what he probably meant.

"What!?" Chloe said exasperatingly. "You came over here because you saw her breas-"

"No!" Ivar quickly said, proud look on his faced replaced with a embarrassed one. His cheeks turned a dark tomato color once again. "I meant I saw this!"

With this, his hands flashed before my eyes, pulling the handgun I had been holding inside my shirt for the whole trip. I had no idea how he saw that it was on me- after all, the bulge had been less than a millimeter wide- and why had he been looking at my waist in the first place? I didn't want to know.

"Why," Ivar said in triumph, pointing at my gun. "Is this is your pocket? And why is it labeled 'CIA ACADEMY OF ESPIONAGE'?"

I was stumped. It was the first time I had ever been in a long time, though this kid got me. It was either his eyesight was incredibly off the charts, or he just ate more carrots than I did per day.

"Wait- you work for the CIA!?" Chloe suddenly said, perking up. She took another look at me, this time with a new light. "Wha-I- really?!"

"Say it a bit louder," I hissed under my breath. "I don't think they heard you in China."

"So you actually work for the CIA? Count me in!" Chloe said excitedly, jumping up and down in excitement.

"I can't," I said, desperately looking for some kind of excuse or cover-up. I couldn't do much but just admit at this point, since he had found my gun. And judging by the looks on the security guard's faces, I don't think that they're going to let this slide by much longer.

"Why can't you?" Ivar asked, leaning closer than I appreciated. "It's pretty easy to get in, right? I don't even care if we don't get to become field agents! Please, I'll even go in for the janitor!"

I sighed in exasperation. It was either I was going to have to dupe these two into a fake interview, a fake job, and then bailing them out and abandoning them, or I would have to just knock them unconscious.

Which brung me to the fact that I had a perfectly good vial of chloroform in my pocket. An idea popped into my mind, and I decided it was probably the best choice, considering the conditions.

Slowly screwing the cap off, I sprayed it directly on the palm of my hand. All I needed to do now is get them to smell it, which would probably look very disturbing and suspicious at the same time.

So I decided to lead us to a secluded area.

"Guys," I said with a new enthusiasm. "If you want to go into the CIA, then follow me! We're going to have to go where not many people are in order to make sure that nobody notices us. After all, we're supposed to be acting secretive right now. Correct?"

"Yeah," Chloe said. "Where, though? Everywhere in Disney is crowded with pedestrians. There's pretty much nowhere without any residents."

"Follow me," I said, waving towards the area behind an exhibit, where everything was being blocked by a strategically placed concrete fence that doubled as a wall supporting the ride's inner guts.

"Okay," I said when they followed me traversing to the area. "First, you're going to have to shake my hand in order to start the recruitment."

They both nodded, probably considering this action to be some sort of weird ritual. I shook their hands dutifully, placing the chloroform within their palms.

"Second," I said. "You have to place your hands on your noses and state the following words: 'I, [insert name here], hereby pledge my honesty, ability, and life to the CIA and the protection of the country.'"

They both repeated it. Two seconds after they were done, both of them promptly collapsed.

Rubbing my hands together in satisfaction, I walked back out to the front of the building. It was nice to finally be able to render someone unconscious- especially since that I'm about to expose the males.

So the title was a clickbait, though who cares? Girls, you'll get to see the embarrassment in the next chapter. And you boys, remember: before you say that a girl is less in a boy in any way, remember that I am watching you.

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