Scouting the Terrain

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The day ended pretty quickly, mostly because the terrain was probably the blandest and most repetitive place that I've ever seen in my entire life.

Here was the following I recorded:

Palm trees look pretty cool. Mostly grass, flowing fields of this grain-like plant, and other things. Most of them are all just typical. Nothing new yet.

Spotted a wild brown rabbit. Not exactly the most exciting thing to record, but, I mean, unless you count an unbearably unneeded amount of sun and tons of grass and bushes something I should record.

Foliage, foliage, foliage. Is there ANYTHING ELSE?

Trixie wants to go inspect the patch of forest we found on the edge of the highway. I'm kind of doubtful that we'll find anything other than wildlife, but still- when there are only grass and palm trees, what else could you find that's worse than that?

Well, we found a wild deer. Other than that, it's pretty much just trees and some rogue swamps. I'm starting to think that maybe going with the other girls was a good idea- though I couldn't care less about getting new clothing ware. Maybe I would replace the mall cop instead.

I got some poison ivy spores stuck on me, though I got most of them off before they could cause any harm. They itch a little bit, but that's all it is. 

Trixie seems to also be bored. I don't really know about it, but I think she also wants to go back. This terrain's excitement is more nonexistent than Jayden's hairline. 

Another thing I found out: Florida's landscape is as flat as a pancake. Literally no hills, mountains, or anything of any kind. Perfectly flat on every single square foot of land- that was the best way to describe this.

So after a few hours, I decided that the best choice was just to settle down and go back to our hotel. Trixie had texted Zoe and Kylie to meet up there at exactly 4:00 PM, so we didn't have to go back to the mall.

Well, readers, as you should know by now, the Hales never just went back to our hotel and did nothing.

So we did the unexpected, which was probably what people exactly expected from us... but still.

Trixie and I planned the whole thing out: We would pretend that we would be going to the hotel for the day, then, mid-way, we would fake a shopping trip. Trixie would call Kylie and Zoe, tell them that we decided the best choice was to go shopping today, since: 1. tomorrow we would be on schedule, and we were running out of supplies pretty quickly and 2. We did not trust the boys shopping for us. Unless you wanted a bunch of junk food in our drawers.

The faked shopping trip would easily act as a cover-up for what we were actually doing, which was spying to see if the boys were actually doing their jobs. And if they aren't, then they should be prepared for us to wring their necks dry.

I didn't have many hopes for them, to be honest. Even I got bored on the job. If I can get bored, then the boys should probably be goofing off right now.

On the way to the theme park, we were going to hack into their walkie-talkie signals and listen if they were actually reporting the things they saw to each other. If they were just talking about something random, we would break into the line, tell them to shut up, and immediately close their only form of communication.

Things started to go downhill as soon as Trixie opened the hacked radio line.

At first, it was just a full-force static wave. After that, things started to clear up, and the exasperation started flooding in.

The boys were arguing about who was the smartest. 

My reaction? I wasn't surprised, but I was also disappointed. I really didn't know what to say about their actions, but after a quick lecture, we closed their radio line. The boys didn't really seem so disappointed though... which probably meant that they were doing something else to entertain themselves.

That was a bad sign. And because of this, I decided to take Trixie on an even more suspicious route: the route that was going to probably expose the boys the most.

I was going to disguise myself as a normal passerby, probably talk with them, convince them to break their act and ride a roller coaster with me, then.... in the end, I reveal my identity and wring their necks.

Fun, right?

So we headed over to the hotel first, put on some clothes that we wouldn't usually put on (stylish ones) dyed our hair, put on some unneeded makeup, then walked outside with our ponytails swinging behind us.

We were relatively eye-catching, since a lot of boys were dragging their attention to us. This was going to play a key part in our plan, since the boys would probably be flattered. Though I head that Jayden was gay, so this wasn't going to work on him.

Second, we were going to change our normal demeanor. Trixie became my 'gossip girl' friend, and I became the queen bee of the local middle school. Yeah, I knew how to put up a different personality, though it wasn't very easy.

After this was done, we were going to try and convince the boys to ride a roller coaster with us- this was the easy part. Seeing Ben's reaction when I came close to him, I wouldn't even have to try in this area.

I had assigned myself to Ben, Mike, and Jawa. Trixie took care of the other boys, though I had a sinking feeling Jawa and Mike would be the first to fall for this act.

When we arrived at Disney world, we immediately changed our personalities. I cut the line, rolled my eyes as constant as possible, flipped my hair, and flashed my earrings to as many people as possible. I didn't want to become flirty though, since that would probably result in something unnecessary.

After passing through with our fake identities, we gave each other a pep-talk.

"Okay- so our mission is to dupe them into our plan, trick them, embarrass them, and completely maim them until they are exposed to the point of when we can't even make them feel worse anymore, correct?" Trixie asked, furtively taking a glance at Ben, who was still taking his usual scans around the main entrance.

"Correct," I whispered back. "Let's show them what a woman can do."

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