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BROOK'S POV I just got home and haven't seen Andy yet, he usually comes to greet me right away. I put down my things and go to his room, the door is closed so I knock.

"Andy can I come in?" no reply. "Andy I'm coming in okay?"

I open the door and what I see leaves me speechless: Andy is under the covers, even though it's past 3 in the afternoon, he is crying with headphones and the music blaring. I walk over to him to show me, he sees me and sits down trying to wipe away his tears even though it's too late.

"Andy what's going on?" I ask sitting next to him and putting an arm around his shoulders.

"Where have you been?"

"I've been out, I told you on call" I answer looking at him with a puzzled air.

"Where?" the tone of his voice, although broken by crying, is still full of anger.

"Andy, is it that important to know?" I want to tell him about me and Jack, but this doesn't seem like the right time.

"I'm your best friend, I needed you and you weren't there" he screams in tears. At these words I look straight into his eyes full of tears, while I feel my eyes getting more and more wet; I know what he says is true and it hurts.

"Andy ..." I hug him to me and let a few tears fall down his shoulder.

He tightens the embrace and after a while he begins to tremble, his breathing becomes faster and faster. I detach myself from the embrace and everything makes me think of a panic attack mixed with asthma. It hadn't happened in long.



"Andy where's your inhaler?" I jump up and look for the inhaler everywhere.

He says nothing but points to the desk, I take it and give it to him immediately. Inhale three times and his breathing begins to regularize. I hug him again, realizing that that's not how a best friend behaves.

"Sorry Andy, sorry. I'm a mess. I left you when you needed me. What kind of best friend am I? Who does this?" and now it's my turn to cry in his arms.

"No Brook, hey you're not a disaster. I hope you know that I do not regret the day I met you. I am proud to have a best friend like you and then there is no perfection and you would be far too boring if you were "perfect." I like you as you are "I kiss him on the cheek.

"What happened anyway?" I ask, breaking away from the embrace and looking into his eyes.

"I fell in love," he says with still shining eyes.

"And why are you sad? She doesn't reciprocate?"

"Well... you see ..."


"She is actually a he ..."

"Oh Andy ..." I hug him for the umpteenth time.

"So that's not a problem for you?"

"Andy, I want to see you happy. If he makes you happy, that's fine with me. And then it's your life ..."

"And who's the lucky one?" I ask, hoping it's Ryan.

"Ryan" he looks down and inside me I scream with happiness.

"Let's do this, I'll help you understand if he reciprocates your feelings too, okay?"

"Thank you" a beautiful smile makes room on his lips.

"What do you think if we invite him to dinner tomorrow? If you want, I'll stay or I'll leave you alone" I say with a smile on my face, happy to see the result of all this.

"Sounds like a good idea."

I get up when he starts looking at me confusedly without knowing why.

"What is it now?"

"Is that a hickey?"

"What? Which one?" I say panicked.

He approaches me and pulls my shirt down slightly, three very noticeable hickeys only there, imagine in the rest of my body...

"Okay this situation is embarrassing..."


"Okay yes I wanted to tell you, it's just that I hadn't found the right moment yet"

"So who made you those hickeys?"

"Jack. Jack is my boyfriend"


"I know, I'm sorry I never said anything to you because I didn't know how you would take it"

"Now I explain why you were so happy..."

"Yeah, all his fault " I say laughing.

"I'm happy for you" he hugs me one last time.

After this long conversation I sort my things out and start thinking about everything that happened with Jack. This guy is turning my life upside down and is slowly becoming a masterpiece thanks to him

𝙸 𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴 𝚈𝙾𝚄 [𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙳𝚈&𝙹𝙰𝙲𝙺𝙻𝚈𝙽]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora