.:: Letter Fourteen ::.

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Dear Ashton,

Reading your letter hurt far worse than any gunshot wound. Ashton, please don't discourage yourself. You said so before if you beat cancer once you can't beat it again. I don't give a shít what those doctors say. I know you'll make it.

You aren't going through this alone Ashton. You have family, friends. You have me.

I fight for you everyday Ashton. Every time I fall I pick myself back up and move forward because I know I have to stay strong for my family and for you.

Just please promise me that you'll fight as hard as you can. I know sometimes you may want to give up but just try your best.

It's your time to be a soldier, Ashton. I believe in you. I know you can do it.

I have to go but please never stop fighting. Never give up.

Oh and I've been thinking about telling you my name finally. :)

But for now,

Soldier no. 78349

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