A Miracle

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I was shocked Milo was trying to get up, he was kicking at the walls of the stables and was whinnying for joy.He got up shaking off all the hay off his midnight black coat.I gave him a tight hug, I was so happy he was feeling better, I gave him a kiss on the nose and praised him multiple times.
"DAD!DAD!Come See!"I yelled to my dad, my dad walked towards the stall door.
"Good Boy!"he praised giving Milo a pat on the neck, we took his rug off and replaced it with a cooler.
"Possibly in a day or two you can start training him with a saddle" My father said putting his hand on my shoulder.
"good Idea" I said turning to my dad giving him a bear hug.

We walked out of the barn and walked to the house, my mum made us meatballs and spaghetti for dinner.
"Milo is feeling better now"my dad said to my mum before putting a meatball in his mouth.
"That's good" My mum said.
I placed my empty dish in the sink jumped in to pjs then into bed.

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