~Chapter 35~

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The room starts spinning and everyone and everything seems to go dead silent.

"Who are you?"Rick spits.

"I think I remember."Joe says.

"Lou?"Liam asks.

I didn't even know he was here.

"Are you okay?"Blake asks me,his voice just above a whisper as he takes me in.

A bewildered look settling on his face when he sees the liquor bottle in my hand.

"Lou,this doesn't sound like one of those guys who's just hitting on you.He sounds like he actually knows you."Maurice says slowly.

"You still haven't told anyone about Blake?"Jennifer asks,I stare at her and when I turn back to Blake I see anger flaring up in his eyes.

"Bla—"I start,choking.

Jennifer inhales deeply.

"Wait,do you two actually know each other?"Sandra asks,pointing to Blake and then to me.

"And you call me low for keeping a relationship a secret?"Liam snaps.
"I can't believe you."

"This isn't like that!"I burst out,then regret how bad that sounds.

Blake starts to shake this head and turns to leave.

"Blake,"I say warningly, hurrying after him.

Rick grabs my arm.
"Just who is this moron and why did he have to punch Joe in your defense?"

Blake stops and looks at me.

I hate what I see in his eyes,pure disappoinment and disgust.


"Who am I,Lou?"Blake asks.

"You're—"I free myself of Rick's grip.
"You're Blake."

I've never seen anyone look so defeated and pissed off as Blake is right now.

Not all of the chaos of tonight's events together looked so angry as Blake.

Without saying another word he calmly walks away.

Leaving me with what feels like hundreds of questioning faces glaring at me,waiting for answers when I don't even know them.

"Who was that?"Tasha asks,coming up to me.

I can't even look at her so I do the only thing I can think of,run to the only person who I want to answer.

I hear shouts from behind me as I dive through the crowds toward the front door.

On my way I grab a bottle and a twenty-four pack and run to my car.

Driving over the speed limit it only takes me ten minutes to reach my destination.

Getting out of my car, I grab my drinks and head towards the big building.

All I feel is anger,regret and hurt.

If I'm gonna say exactly how I feel I'm gonna need a bit of booze,as bad as that sounds.

"Blake."I yell as I run up the old stairways to the room I know he is in.

"How did you get here?"Blake snaps.

I stand there, dumbfounded.
Not the question I was expecting.

Just looking at him makes me angry for some reason so I drop the beer pack to the floor and give it a shove my my foot.
"I drove."

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