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"Stop fighting!" A shout echoed through the almost empty house. Patton and Logan had gone out with Virgil for his birthday and Remy and Emile had to go to work. "You two are so tiring, sometimes! I get that your brothers and brothers tend to bicker, but this is too much!" A tall linky man with a burn over a green eye, with the other being brown yelled. He was basically yanking his dirty blond hair out.

"You can't just push someone down the stairs because they simply 'had it coming!' You aren't toddlers, so don't act like them!" He shouted referring to the incident that had just happened. His two house mate tended to try and see who could hurt the other more, and today was no exception. "I'm sorry, Jan! But he did have it coming! He-" A boy with messy ginger hair, and brown eyes tried justifying before being cut off. "I don't want to hear it! What did he do that was so bad that you had to push Roman down the stairs!" He screamed as he pointed to another boy standing across the room with ginger hair, but having green eyes and a fake crown.

The crown being on the floor next to the stairs where the 'Crime', as the other put it, happened. "He called me a little evil snot, and said that I wasn't even brave enough to fight a villain if it were standing on a flight of stairs with spikes at the bottom! So I pushed him! He was the only villain around as far as I could see so I proved a point!" Said the boy standing in front of him with tears welling up in his eyes."Why didn't you just tell me instead of pushing him down the stairs!" The dirty blond yelled disappointed.

"I- *mumbles*" the boy said turning his face away. "What!" The other said impatiently now realizing the lump on the boy known as Romans head. "I didn't want to be seen as weak! Ok! I didn't want another reason for Roman to tease me! I didn't want you to be disappointed in me for not being good enough to stand up for myself! There! I said it! Now you can scold me and make fun of me more!" The boy in front of him screamed as tears rolled down his cheeks and onto the ground. "Oh, Remus-" The blond started before being cut off.

"No, Janice! I don't need to be teased as if I'm a baby! I know I'm a crybaby! I-i... I don't care, I'm going to my room." Remus yelled as he broke down his voice cracking before it completely shattered as he gave up and ran to his room. "Wait-" Janice tryed yelling out to Remus, but it was to late Remus had already ran off. "I'm so stupid!" Janice said mentally kicking himself. "He felt hand on his shoulder, he turned to see Remus' twin brother, Roman, "Go after him and pursue your destiny!" He shouted as if he were in a movie.

"You two really are opposites." Janice scoffed before running off to follow Remus. "Ah, true love. Wait- where's my Virgie! Oh Virgil!" Roman shouted in a sing song voice forgetting he had left earlier today. *Knock knock* "Go away!" Came a stuffy muffled voice. Janice opened the door a little to see the other sitting in the corner of the room, crying. He opened the door fully and shut it behind him as he walked in. He sat next to the boy he couldn't help but admire.

His hair always looked perfect even with as messy as he wore it, his eyes looked like melted caramel when the light hit them, and he always seemed to worry about even the smallest things even if he didn't show it. Sure he was chaotic, but he knew it was all an act so that he would be seen like his brother was, and for that he was the bravest in Janice's book. He just needed a way to tell him that.

"I'm so so so so so so sorry! I didn't know that was how you felt! I feel like such a bad person, I know that was unforgivable! In all honesty I thought you were the most brave of all of us! It's just you are able to act as if you are the most chaotic crack head, like you don't even care about what anyone says about you, and then you turn around and you can be the most caring person out there! I always admired you, with your appearance and personality, and I always thought you were so much better that Roman, but I didn't know how to tell you, I'm so so so so so sorry again, and I understand if you don't want to talk to me!" Janice rambled on with his eyes closed.

Remus looked at him in shock. He had never seen him like this, and he honestly found it sweet. He had no clue this was how he felt. Janice slowly opened his eyes and looked over at the astonished face. Remus' shocked look soon turned into a happy one as he had the biggest grin on his face before leaping onto Janice's lap and hugging him. "Thank you!" Remus yelled as he squeezed his crying tears of joy. "For what?" Janice asked hugging back. "For being you!" Remus said pulling away from the hug as he grabbed Janice's head and pushed his own lips onto Janice's.

Janice almost immediately returned the kiss. They pulled away for air, and Remus kissed Janice's cheek before snuggling up with him falling asleep. "Awww, now I want my Virgie! Virgil!" Roman said in a sing song voice again before closing the door silently leaving his brother and his brothers new boyfriend to cuddle.

This is the last request from my cousin

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