The Night Sky-Logicality

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The night was so perfect, at least it was Patton's eyes. Tonight was especially perfect to him, the rain had been pouring all week so the grass had small droplets of rain that sparkled in the moonlight as if they too were little stars. It was also a full moon which made Patton admire this night even more. The night reminded him of the man he had loved for a while, Logan.

He was tall and stern. He had pitch black hair that fell in front of his deep navy blue eyes that were covered by a pair of black rimmed glasses. He always wore a black dress shirt that was tucked into a pair of blue jeans, as well as a dark and light blue striped necktie that he constantly corrected as he made a point. Yes Patton had fallen for one of his roommates.

Patton lived in a nine bedroom house with his eight roommates Remus, Roman, Remy, Emile, Thomas, Janice, Virgil, and his crush Logan. Some times it would get loud do to Roman and Virgil always bickering no matter how hard I try to make them stop, Remy yelling 'Gay' at every chance he gets, Remus screeching as loud as he can before jumping off of the balcony we had in our house, Thomas crying in a corner, Emile trying to calm Thomas down, Logan yelling 'semantics' if he was winning an argument with Janice or 'falsehood' if he was losing, and Janice trying to pick a fight with anyone.

Patton always took the highroad and slipped his shoes and cardigan on before going out and sitting on the two person swing they had hanging from a tall tree outside looking at the stars, no one ever notices that he leaves because of the chaos which sometimes he enjoys, but other times he feels lonely, like tonight. Looking at the moon he couldn't help but have his mind drift back to Logan.

Suddenly, he felt a presence next to him, that is when he realized the swing was rocking slightly. "Splendid night, is it not?" A voice Patton knew all to well asked. "I-it is." Patton answered looked at Logan's Navy eyes. Logan smiled slightly and let his posture relax a little. "Why are you out here alone, Patton?" Logan asked in a curious tone. "Oh, you know. Getting away from the chaos." Patton responded, cheeks flushing from more that the cold.

"Hm." Logan hummed in response. Something took control of me and I said, "You remind me a lot of the night." He looked at me eyes filled with even more curiousity. I cursed myself for saying that to him. "Elaborate, please." Logan said with a look in his eyes that made me melt. "I-i um. W-well." I sighed out a breath and trued gaining some confidence before letting everything poor out..

"Your eyes are a Navy blue like the night sky and if I look close enough I can see small specks of light as if there were stars in your eyes. Your skin is almost as pale as the full moon, it kinda looks like it shimmers in the sunshine. Your hair is as black as a night with clouds blocking the sky. The way light reflects off of your glasses is like how the sun lights up the moon. I find the moon perfect... Like I find you."

My heart ached, I know he doesn't like me. He doesn't like anyone like that, and boy did it hurt. I had been staring at the ground as I said everything, I looked back to Logan. He had a faint pink dusted across his cheeks staring in astonishment with his eyes opened slightly. He coughed as turned he corrected his tie. He then looked back at me with the look in his eyes that made me melt.

Before I could respond, he cupped my cheeks his hands and pressed his soft lips into mine. I quickly returned the kiss. The feeling was amazing, his warmth against me, his cold hands against my cheeks, the adrenaline I feel corsing through my body. He pulled away and said, "I love you, My Sunshine." With a heart melting smile. "I-i love you too, My Moonlight." I said cuddling up next to him as he tapped his arms around me, just enjoying this perfect night.

This is a continuation of the last request.

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