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Ah, Vegas. A cluster fuck of people, banging around every which way, drunk asses too tipsy to care. Living the life- as they should. Ah, all the smells of the casino hitting me- a cornucopia for the senses. Amazing. And the noise, ah, the ruckus- the constant wailing, the machines rattling. Music to my ears. What a great fucking place.

Some chicks walked by, bumping me, waving- so I waved back- good times. Viva Las Vegas....

"What's he on?"

"Oh Stefano's not high, it's just the sex."

Sex... ahh the sex. I felt like a new fucking man. Wait... sex... my feet came to a stop, eyes rolling down to all the faces staring at me before zeroing in on the hazel ones beside me. "Don't talk about our business."

Mark sighed, rolling his eyes as he smiled. "We went up to our room for over an hour- they're not stupid. And you've been singing and dancing your way through the casino."

Singing and dancing... Jesus Christ! I was a Romano for fuck's sake. "No I'm not..." I looked down, seeing my foot tapping left then right, my lips inadvertently humming along to the music above us. Dammit. I tried to regain my composure but I was, so, damn, happy.

"You're singing again... Stefano?"

There was a tug at my shirt and I looked at the long fingers wrapped over my arm then to those hazel eyes again.
"Are you singing Viva Las Vegas?"

Fuck... I pushed my lips together, feeling the vibration of the lyrics trying to escape. "That's not me."

His smile was tight lipped, curling up his face as he leaned into me. "So I make you sing? Give me an hour down here papi and then you won't be the only one humming." He slammed a rough kiss against my lips before turning back around to his friends. "Drinks then strip?"

You had to be kidding me. "Stop telling them about our business!" His friends didn't need a fucking play by play. "But yeah- a few drinks then back upstairs, strip down."

Mark spun back around, eyes wide, shaking his head. "The strip Stefano, right outside- the focal point of Vegas."

Hmm... yeah okay. I'd never actually been outside in Vegas. We'd been here a handful of times but it was always bars and clubs.

He leaned into me again, our belts chiming when they hit- my new favorite sound. "You're cute sometimes you know..." he laughed, inching his face even closer to mine. "That's why I love you..."

Holy shit... love...

"Metaphorically speaking of course, not literally," he continued laughing. No, obviously not literally... no... whew... nope... love... ha...

"Hey can you guys take a pic of Stefano and I?" He threw one arm around my back while he pulled his phone out with the other, but I pushed him aside, pushing that phone away with him.

"No!" No evidence. "No pics."

"O... kay..." He started walking off with that chick, whispering with her, turning towards the closest bar.

I followed them to the bar counter, taking a seat on one of the empty stools. "Whiskey." I reached for his belt, pulling him in front of me, draping my arm around his back now. "What do you want?"

STEFANO {Gay / MM Romance}Where stories live. Discover now