I ....It....What...

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Kat's POV.

I rolled over and felt a very warm body against mine. I opened my eye and saw perfectly tanned skin. The incidents flooded back to my memory. I had to smile at the way be treated me. Suddenly I felt his arms wrap right around me, and his face snuggled into my neck. He breathed in ,then out. My hands were on his chest, I slid them up around his neck.

" Morning my beauty " I blushed as he moved his hands down my back to my hips and rubbed his thumbs.

" Hi. " he looked at me and pressed his mouth to mine. I tightened my hand around the back of his neck.

He moved his head back a little. He smiled and pecked my lips once more.

" What time is it. " He asked snuggling up to me again. I grabbed my phone from my night stand and looked at it. " It's 10:00" I told him.

" What time do you have to pick up Izzy." He asked.

" I have to get her at 1" I said as I sat up, pulling the blanket up to cover my chest.

" Kat I-" his phone rang, he leaned over the edge of my bed grabbing his pants shaking them . His phone fell into the floor. He grabbed it and answered it without looking who it was.

But I knew exactly who it was .

" Okay bye" he said hanging up.

" It was Megan, wasn't it. " I whispered. He put his head in his hands.

" This was a mistake." I whispered. He ripped his face away from his hands. I started to get out of bed, I grabbed my house coat and wrapped it around me.

Kai hurriedly got up and put on his boxers. He grabbed my arm and pulled me around to look at him.

" Kat , no its not.  This is not a mistake."

" Yes it is. I shouldn't have let Uruha leave you here." I whispered.

" Kat I was going to break up with Megan. " He blurted out. Before I could stop myself, my hand shot out and slapped him, hard. He blinked at me .

" You will not break up with her. She is my best friend, she is your girlfriend. You will forget this even happened and if you can't I will find a new job. " I said angry.

" Kat I love you. I have since the minute I met you. " No those words scare me.

" Get out. " my voice was no louder than a whisper.

" What" he knew what I said.

" Kai please leave and forget this even happened. " I said giving him his clothes and pushing him out of my room, closing my door and locking it. I slid down to the floor and put both of my hands to my mouth to muffle my sobs threatening to rip threw me.

A couple minutes later I heard the front door close . I took my hand from my mouth and let the cries rip threw the quiet apartment. I let all the cries, from every painful thing I've encountered in the last 8 years just flood out of me. From finding my mom dead on the floor with the pills next to her, to my dad dying of cancer two months later, to my older sister completely ignoring me, to me getting pregnant, to Cameron saying he couldn't  be a father to her. To Izzy almost dying when she was born.  Me getting kicked out of apartment after apartment because I couldn't pay rent or I was too late on paying it, because I couldn't go to work because my newborn daughter was on life support for the first 6 months of her life. And now I guess I've got to add Kai to the mix.

When I finally calmed down I looked at my phone and saw it was 12. I put it down, and decided to get in the shower quickly. I put my hair in a ponytail , pushed my bangs to the side. I dressed in a white black label society tank top  and a black pair of jeans with the knees slightly worn out in them. I checked the time and saw it was 12:38 , I threw in my black converse and a light sweater. 

I slid my phone I'm my back pocket and my wallet in the other one. Then had my keys in hand. I closed my door and locked it. I got out of the building and started walking to Izzy's friends house.

I got there at 12:58, I knocked on the door and a Kimi opened the door Haruka's mother.

" Hi Katherine." Kimi is about 35.,

" Hey how crazy was she. " I asked. She laughed and said.

" She was great, she is very polite, very well behaved." She said.

" Well that's good. " then I heard a very loud .

" MOMMY" Izzy came running out jumping into my arms.

" Hi baby." She snuggled me .

" Alrighty, well I can see some one if ready for some mom time. Here is her bag. " Kimi handed me Izzy's little metallica bag.

" Thank you so much. " I said. Then me and Kimi said our goodbyes.

" Baby want to get some ice cream. " she nodded her head, which was laid on my shoulder.

" Yes please mommy. " She said.

Just as we got outside the ice cream place she said.

" Mommy my tummy feels funny. " I placed her on the bench and got on my knees in front of her.

" where baby" I asked. She pointed to her stomach. I knew it wasn't appendicitis. Her eyes started to well up.

"Mommy it really hurts." her tears spilled over.

" Okay baby, okay . How much 1-10 " she showed me 10 fingers more tears spilled over, then started coughing. I sat up beside her and rubbed her back. I went to put my other hand on her belly when something warm hit my arm, I had pulled my sleeves up .

I looked down and my heart stopped.


Kai's POV.

I got into my apartment, when Megan came running out of it.

" We have to go now. " she and sounding terrified.

" Why" I asked.

" Because something is wrong with Izzy, she's in the hospital. " I grabbed the keys from her hand and bolted to the car downstairs.

I didn't even know if she was behind me. But she got into the car right after I did.

I raced to the hospital, I turned off the car and jumped out of it. I saw the other guys and girls, just getting out of their cars too.

I pretty much ran to the front desk.

"Can you tell me where-" I was cut off when I saw Kat.

" Nevermind." I walked over to her, she was sitting on the bench, she had blood all over her.

Everyone followed me.

" Kat , what happened " I asked I kneeled down in front of her . She was completely still, her eyes had nothing in them. She was pale, quiet and cold.

I put my hands on her arms , I shook her a little bit.

" Kat. " her head rolled.

" Kai move for a second . " Megan said gently. I did and Megan sat beside her.

" Hunny what happened. Kitty, what's wrong with Izzy. " she said slowly as if she were talking a child. She shook Kat a little bit.

" Izzy has a Gastric ulcer"

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