Not The Only Pain In The Room.

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Kat's POV.

" Kat " I turned around to look at Kai who had said my name. I put the cigarette I got from Aoi, back in my mouth.

" What."

" What can I do. What can I do to make this better. " He looked panicked.

" You can't do anything. " I let a sob rip through me, and threw my cigarette down.

" But what can I do for you." He practically begged me. I leaned against the wall and let tears flow down my face once again for the tenth time today. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me against him. I didn't push him away like I would have any other time. Right now I need someone, despite what happened between us before I think the other person I need is him.

Megan's POV

I looked for Kai, he said he was going outside for a smoke. I opened the door and heard people talking.

" Kat" It was Kai's voice.

" What"

"What can I do. What can I do to make this better."He sounded scared or panicked.

" You can't do anything" She sobbed and I stepped around the corner so I could see them.

"But what can I do for you" He sounded desperate. I saw her start to cry and she leaned against the wall, until Kai grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her against him.

" I don't know what I'm supposed to do." she sobbed into his shoulder. He pressed his face into her hair.

" Baby I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" he called her baby. I felt anger bubble up. I was really angry, I walked over to them and cleared my throat. Kai looked up, his eyes widened.

" Megan."  Kat immediately pulled away from him.

" What are you doing". I asked maybe a little to accusatory.

" I was just hugging her ." Kai said.

" And calling her baby." I almost yelled.

" Megan-" I cut him off there is something going on between them there's got to be. When they are around each other .

" What's going on between you. " I asked.

"What" Kai said. Kat was always a bad liar. I looked at her, my heart knew she never wanted to lie to me.

" Kai go " I need to talk to her, without him.

" Okay" He said and walked away.

" Kat, you need to tell me what happened. Just tell me, please don't lie to me. " I had a feeling I knew what happened between them. Kat's eyes welled up and she looked at me.

" I'm so sorry, I never meant for anything to happen between us. " Tears rolled down her eyes.

"Did you sleep-" She nodded. I couldn't stop myself, my hand snapped out and slapped her . Her hand flew up to her face.


" I know , and now I'm paying for it. Megan please don't".she begged me.

" Don't what"

" Don't hate me. " a sob ripped through her. " I never meant for it to happen, I will quit  if you want me to. I will never talk to Kai again. I will leave and never come back , I will -"

" Kat stop,  "

" Megan I'm so sorry. It will never ever happen again. " I had to know something else.

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