Make up.

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Kathrines's POV.

Cameron continued to kiss me. I put my hands on his chest and pushed him away from me gently.

" Cameron please don't do this.  " I whispered. Cameron pressed his head against mine.

" I can't do that Katty."

" Then I guess this isn't going to work. Because I'm going weather you want me to or not. " he leaned away from me.

" But Ka-"

" No Cameron, you can't say anything to make me change my mind. We are leaving in three days."    I stood up, and walked to the door. Then said.

" It might be best if you left." He stood up and walked to me. He put his hands on my face and kissed me again, then said.

" Bye." And with that he left.

" Sorry cam."I  whispered to him, I closed the door. nd went to start packing.

Three Days Later, Lzzy and I were are the airport with all of our things already on it was to Japan.I had both of our carry ons over my shoulder and Izzy on my hip.

We were standing in line. We get to sit in first class because the company I'm going to be working for is paying for it.

Izzy had her head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head.

" Are you excited baby." I asked her.

" Yaaa " She nodded her head enthusiastically. 

" Good babygirl. " We heard our plan being called. I walked forward with our tickets in hand.

" Hello, tickets please." I handed her the tickets she scanned them , then we got onto the plane into our seats.

14 hours later we had left Canada and said hello to Japan.

We got off the plane,, well I carried Izzy off the plane. Poor girl tried to stay away the whole flight.

I got to the waiting area and saw a lady with a sign that said my name. I waved at her. She waved back and walked over to me. I realized I had to speak Japanese.

" Hello Katherine, I'm Sachiko , how was your flight." She said offering to take my bags from me. I shifted Izzy in my arms and she stirred but stayed asleep.

" Oh it was great, "

" Perfect , but I'm sure your tired so let's get you to your apartment, that the company has set you up in. "

" That would great.. Thank you so much ." I said with a smile.

" So I was never actually told which band I would be working with. " I asked. She looked stumped.

" Really that's odd. Anyway you are workig with the GazettE. " she said.

" Hmm I'm not familiar with them.I guess I'll have to do some research. " I giggled. She laughed to.

" And don't forget you've got to be at a meeting with the band tomorrow at 3:00pm." I nodded.

" No thank you for replying to the job. You were by far the best artist. The band really liked your work." She said as we got to her car. She opened the back door so I could strap my sleeping daughter into the back seat. I closed her door , opened the front passengers door and got in.

Half an hour later she pulled up to a beautiful building.

" Well this is the building and the front lady will tell you which, nobody told me the apartment number... Will you need any help with your bags. " she asked.

The Makeup Artist. (GazettE Love Story.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora