On The Hunt

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Dimentio laid staring at the blank ceiling for who knows how long. The best estimation for how long he laid there would have to be about 3 hours. Dimentio kept trying to reassure himself that this was all probably just a bad fever dream, brought on himself from being locked up in The Underwhere. After what seemed to be an eternity, like a puppet on strings, he rose to his feet and began skulk through the corridors. The dark blade in his hands reflecting the dull light from his left eye. But what confused him most of all is that he was still aware of his surroundings, despite not having control over his body. Normally he would have blacked out by now. The monster must have sensed him being aware of this. I just wanted you to have the best seat in the house for when I make tHe BiGgeSt MIstAkE oF YoUR lIfE!

He arrived outside of a room which he assumed must have been given to Mario and Luigi to stay in. The door creaked as it was gently eased open. The Mario brothers were fast asleep. His body gave off an eerie chuckle as it brandished the knife. He walked over to Mario's bedside. Dimentio struggled to regain control of his body before it was- tO LaTE

Dimentio regained control over his body but the deed had already been done. What happened next was all just a big blur.

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