(26) It's Okay to Have Doubts

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Owen || Cassidy

Hello Owen, how's work going?

Hey Cassidy, you'll never believe it

Believe what?

My boss actually let me go home early because I could barely stay awake at work.

Oh wow, that's pretty cool of him.

And it is all thanks to you, considering you kept me up all night.

Alright if you say so. But don't you dare say you regret it. I know you wanted to.

You are absolutely right, Sweetheart. I wouldn't have changed it for the world.

Neither would I, to be honest.

However, I am not sure this is a good thing?

What do you mean?

My boss letting me leave early.

Why not?

He is a penny-pinching guy. He loves to have all the money to himself. Plus he really doesn't seem to care about us as his employees.

That sucks. Maybe he is trying to change and knows that you really need time to sleep.

I guess that could be true. He did say that I can come back in for the dinner rush because we most likely will be needing help.

See, it seems like he is trying. Are you going to be going back?

No, I don't really want to.

Owen, he could think that you are a lazy person if you don't.


Then maybe he won't change his mind and continue to not care about anything other than money.

Dang, you are probably right. Why do you have to be so smart?

I don't know, but it is truly a blessing. ;)

But, Owen I understand why you are doubting his reasoning. And it is completely okay to have doubts.

Thank you for that, I kinda thought I was going crazy for a bit there.

No need to worry about that.

So what are you planning on doing today?

I am not completely sure what I am going to do. But I do know what you are going to do.

Oh really now? What are you thinking?

You are going to take a nap and then head back to work for the dinner rush.

But I don't want to.

You are going to do that. Because you are going to surprise your boss and let him that you care about your job. Then maybe he'll care less about money and more about the employees and customers, as you say.

I guess I should do that then. But do you know for sure?

Because I am the smartest of them all.  

Mr. Pick-Me-Upper (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now