Chapter Eighteen: Understanding

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Midoriya's Pov

I woke up a little foggy, but remembering Kami holding me in my dorm room and I see Aizawa rush over to me. I didn't mean to, but I flinched back at the sudden movement towards me.

He paused when he realized I flinched. "Are you afraid of me?" He seemed puzzled by my actions, trying to find a reason I'd be afraid.

"No. I just woke up, and you caught me by surprise." I guess I caught him hy surprise too. His eyes widened at my natural look. I mean, he did ask me to stop faking around him. I'm just doing what he wanted.

Then he did the last thing I'd expect him to do. He fucking smiled that creepy ass smile from the quirk apprehension test.

"Heh. I really could be your father. Lol."


He didn't. There's no fucking way he just did that.

"Did.. Did you just say lol... Out loud?". I was gnawing at my bottom lip to keep myself from laughing.

"..." He just looked away, his face a little red from being caught.

I couldn't do it. I started cackling, and he joined in after a bit.

"So I'm sorry to bring down the mood, trust me I enjoyed it a lot, but are you okay? What even happened?"

Oh. Right. I never told him what happened. Jesus, I didn't venue tell Kami. He's probably really worried.

'Worry about yourself jdiot.' Horikoshi mentally flicked me for that.

I smiled. Then I realized I'm must look crazy from Dad's point of view.

"Uhh right. I started to think bad things of myself after you dropped me off, and when I walked into my dorm I saw a couple if people in there, reading my diary. Which means that all of 1A now knows I'm suicidal. Then I started crying because I'm really tired and really fucking depressed, so I made them leave, then all the shit in my life fell on me right there and I had a severe panic attack. Kami held me and calmed me down, then I woke up here. It's safe to say I didn't pass out. I just fell asleep in Kami's arms. Also, where's Akira?"

My question was answered when her cute little head popped out of Dad's scarf, so I gave her a little head scratch while Dad processed everything I just said.

"So you finally released your last feelings and emotions is what you're saying. You're saying you kept it in all these years?" He was shocked by how well I did and how well I hid it.

"Yeah. I'm gonna say yes to therapy by the way. And I wanna tell the class. Can we have the rest of the week off? I already skipped a few days. And you also don't teach anything. And you could also spend time with Mic." I smiled at him and he sighed.

"Fine. If you make a mess...."

I waited. I wanted to know is what he'd say. Then I realized.

We grinned slyly and spoke in unison, "Blame the Bakusquad." I high fived him, thanked him, said bye to Akira, and left on my way back to the common room.

I quietly opened the door, but Kami still heard and rushed over when he saw me.

"Oh god, you're okay. Thank god. You haven't paid me back yet." I slapped his arm playfully and he laughed.

I saw the intruders getting up to leave so I decided to talk to the class now. God knows they won't leave their rooms if I don't say it now.

"Hey wait. I'm not mad at you guys, but I do want to talk to you all about what really happened." They turned around surprised by my lack of anger, but they sat back down anyway.

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