Chapter Thirteen: The Talk

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Okay, so quick note, this is what happened in the class after Aizawa took Izuku out of class in chapter 9. Lol I confused myself with the order of the chapters. Uhh keep reading for chapter 12 then :)

Shinsou's Pov

I don't think many others noticed Izuku being pulled out of the room by Dad. I think the only ones who noticed were Tokoyami, Todoroki, and the so called 'Bakusquad'. The part that concerns me is that the 'Bakusquad' looked nervous.

Tokoyami and Todoroki were confused but started their reports. Bakugou was sweating a little and seemed really unfocused. Kirishima was bouncing his leg and tapping his index finger on the desk. Sero was rubbing his neck and wrist. Mina kept biting her lip and furrowing her brows. The worst one was Kaminari. He was bouncing his leg, chewing on his pencil and kept glancing at the door.

At this point I'm internally terrified of what is going on. I have never seen them nervous before, especially Bakugou, which tells me it takes a lot to make them nervous. Now I'm nervous as worried for Izu.

Is he okay? Should I ask him? Should I find? Should I ask my dad?

Then I heard a small ring noise. Kaminari pulled out his phone and checked. He gestured Kirishima to do the same, and so did the Bakugsquad. All of them visibly relaxed and started their reports but Kaminari still seemed nervous.


The bell rang. I realized I never actually started my report. Oh well, I'll just do it during the night. Not like I sleep anyways. Everyone packed up their stuff and as I slung my bag on my shoulder, Kaminari fuckin zoomed out along with Kirishima. I just walked out like a normal person.

I made my way to my dad's office cuz why not. When I walked in, Dad and Pa were grading papers.

"Uhhhh hi?"

"Hey Hitoshi."
"Hey son."

"Uh why is Pa here?"

"I can't understand Kaminari's answers."

That's why. I don't understand how Pa does though. I can't even do it. I guess blonds just think alike then? That made no sense. So what c-

"So what did you need? You never approach me unless you need to ask me something."

I pouted. "You make me sound like a mean son."

"No. You're a gremlin." Dad sneered.

"Okay okay both of you stop it. What do you need?"

"What happened? Why did you pull Iz-Midoriya out?"


I fucked up. I fucked up bad.

"Oh my GOD"

Dad erased Pa's quirk. Lol.

"1. None of your business and 2. You almost called him Izuku. Gay." Dad smirked and crossed his arms.

"Yea.... Gay..." I smiled to myself and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Wait seriously? Like you have a crush on Izuku Midoriya? Like romance? Like gay gay gay?"

I sighed. "Yes Pa, gay gay gay."

I pinched my bridge, but smiled at them.

For once in my life, I saw my dad grinning. I haven't seen him grin like that since him and Pa got married.

I'm no fucking sap, so don't you ever think that you dumbass y/n.

Ray: Stop breaking the fourth wall

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