New life... new trap. (Chapter 1 pt 1)

Start from the beginning

"That's because it's not... you're going to be living here and going to school." He said and then led you to your apartment room.

"Real quick, I want to warn you that your neighbor is a little rowdy. He's a good kid, just... rebellious is all."
"Ye- Wait. How do you know that?" He turned to you with a look of surprise.

"I just do, Iruka-senpai- er sensei." You shrugged, not even trying to defend yourself.


He stopped in front of the apartment door and dug inside his pocket before pulling out some keys.

"Here, these are yours. Don't lose them, please." He said as he gently placed them in the palm of your hand.

"Okay, tha-"

You both heard a loud thud next door and a cry of pain before the door next to you revealed a golden head of hair.

The VERY familiar boy with whiskers on his cheeks rubbed his head with a pained grimace and looked over to the two of you and yelped.

"IRUKA-SENSEI!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" He yelled while pointing an accusing finger at the man.

Iruka sighed with an annoyed expression and placed a hand on his hip.

"I'm just escorting this kid here to their room."
"Eh? Oh." He said, losing disinterest.

"Yo." You said.

The boy looked you up and down before sneering a bit and pointed a thumb at himself.

"Well I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm going to be the Hokage one day, believe it!"
"Yeah, I know."

Naruto did a double take and blinked a few times.

"You... know?" He asked not to see if you really knew but to see if you said that by mistake.

"Yeah, I seen it. You got two kids too. Congrats." You shrugged.

Did you care if this affected the future? No, not really. This was basically a huge, realistic fever dream, except not really.

'Maybe this is one of those death hallucinations, but instead of it being my life flashing before my eyes, it's my fucking childhood anime.' You thought.

Meanwhile, Naruto was processing all of this, only to narrow his eyes at you.

"You're just messing with me!"
"What? No, I actually know this stuff, I've seen it."
"I don't believe you!"

Iruka glanced at you both, going back and forth, unable to get a word in.

"Hah! Alright then. In the future, way sooner than you think, you're going to fail that exam that makes you a ninja. But then you steal a scroll or some shit to learn shadow clone jutsu because a white haired guy told you.
And then you learn the jutsu and become a ninja." You said.

Both of them stared at you with Naruto looking at you as though you were crazy, and Iruka staring at you with shock.

'How do they know about the...' he thought before shaking his head.

"Alright you two, that's enough. Head to bed, both of you, you have school tomorrow."

Naruto groaned before disappearing into his apartment and slammed the door shut.

"I'll be here tomorrow to guid you to school... and I'll take Naruto with us so he isn't late again." Iruka grunted.

"He's going to paint the statues by the way." You said.

Iruka stared down at you, slightly bewildered by the blunt accusation.

"I don't know when, but he will do it. Unless he did it already." You shrugged.

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