Chapter 13

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It took everything I had In me to not cry, not in front of him.
He got up quick
"Jessica what are you doing here? I'm sorry Jessica. Babe please I'm sorry I don't want to lose you."

"Would losing me even be a loss? Was I not enough Cameron!!!! I gave you all I had!!!!! I loved you like no one ever could!!! And this is what you do?!!! Fuck you Cameron."

He puts his head down

"I'm sorry and I do love you."
He tries coming closer to me but I back away.

"Why Cameron why would you do this to me? I was so stupid to think you could ever truly love me. "

"But I do truly love you"!!! Cameron shouted on the verge of crying

"Obviously you don't."

I looked at Ashley she was smiling
I wanted to hit her so bad but I'll let karma handle it.

Matt walked in
" what's going on?"
He looked around then he turned to me.
"I'm so sorry I didn't know,"
Then he looked at Cameron
"You're a dick Cameron, this girl came out all this way to surprise and she come to find you with Ashley? Fuck you Cameron. Ashley's just using you." Matt said yelling.

"I didn't mean anything, she doesn't mean anything to me."

I have heard enough
I turned to Matt
"I want to go home."
Matt grabbed my hand and pulled me out, before I was out the door Cameron pulled me back crying
"Please don't go I love you"
I pushed him off me
" I need time to think"
With that I left. Matt was still holding my hand.
We got in the car and that was it I couldn't hold the tears in anymore.
I was crying really hard
Matt didn't know what to say so he list hugged me.
"You know I've always disliked Ashley even when Cameron was with her I always felt a bad vibe when I was around her. She's fucking scantless

I was on my way to the airport.
Matt kept trying to make me feel better, he was a good guy.
I was getting out the car when
Matt locked the door.
"Wait, it really is sad that you had to leave so early. You seem like such a cool girl I would've love to get to know better, I have all guy friends I forgot what it was like to have a girl friend."
I smiled
I grabbed his phone and put my number in it
"Here's my number, when ever your in town I'd love to hang when ever you need something feel free to call or text me."
"Thank you Jess, and I hope you and Cam could maybe work things out, when I get back I'll beat him up for you."
We both laugh
"Even when you hate him, you love him" I said trying not to cry again.

I've been here for about two hours
Cameron kept blowing up my phone so I turned it off.
I didn't want to start crying again because I'm afraid I'd never stop.
It was a long flight home everyone else seemed to be asleep but me, it was the scene of Cameron and Ashely that was keeping me up, I felt numb inside I didn't know what to believe.
People say that drugs and guns are what kills people but in reality it's boys like him with hazel eyes and smiles that could light up this universe.
I still love him, with every broken piece of my heart. Who knows how long this has been going on for.
I got home and told Chrissy everything and she held me while cried for what seems like the hundredth time.
Nash found out to and was pissed.

"I don't know what to do" I mumbled to Chrissy
"You really love him don't you?, I know you do because I've seen you with other guys and its noting Like this. But do what your heart feels it's up to you if you wanna give him a chance or not."
Out of no where my Twitter notifications started blowing up
Cameron mentioned me in something
I love you @jessicalomeli3

Oh shit I thought to myself...
Here comes the hate.
He's never tweeted me, we were keeping this a secret.

Then he texted me:
Cam:The further you push me the closer you are. I love you Jessica and I'm not going to stop until I have you back.
I sighed
To Cameron: You don't cheat on someone you love.

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