Chapter 8

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After I saw the hurt look in Cameron's eyes i couldn't handle it... Seeing Cameron hurt was the last straw of it all.... Me being hurt was fine but him?That's a different story, and it was all my fault. I got in my car leaving the three of them there standing with horrified looks of confusion on their faces. I couldn't handle this.. Not tonight. I grabbed some things and took off to my dads house, to see the one man that would give me honest advice and never break my heart. I needed to talk and I know he'd be there to listen.
I heard Nash shout from behind me, and I felt horrible for leaving him but I would have to beg for forgiveness later.

(Cameron's P.O.V)
I felt like I had just been stabbed a thousand times in the heart.... I watched as Jessica left with her head hanging low. I didn't know how to feel about any of this. I turn towards My girlfriend Chrissy who was frozen next to me with tears streaming down her face staring right at me.
"Is this true?" I ask
"Cameron please"
"Is this true" I said as my voice got louder.
"I did love Nash first okay it's true but then I got to know you and I fell in love with you."
"Do you still love him?" My words were clipped and hard. Almost to painful to speak. Her silence answered my question, as she turned her head to Nash.
I didn't know what to feel anymore... I was still so hurt and frustrated. I turned to Nash, who was returning her look.
"We're supposed to be like brothers and you do this to me?"
He looks away and finally sees me, really sees me. "I'm sorry you're hurting, but I'm not sorry I love her. I was quiet for you and so was Jessica. We kept quiet for you so you wouldn't get hurt.. I guess there is only so much a girl can take."
Nash had a point, but I wouldn't forgive jess or him.
"Stay away from her."
Chrissy stood still and looked at me with tears in her eyes." I've made a terrible mess of everything. I got with you knowing it was hurting my bestfriend. I thought it wouldnt be a big deal because you showed no interest in her. I knew I loved Nash more, and when I found out he wanted me jess had to convince me to stay with you. I need to fix this, starting with you.. But more importantly when jess comes back I need to fix things with her. Please take me home." I was stunned.. I simply turned and walked to the car.
I felt bad for leaving Nash but I was angry at him. I was still mad at Chrissy, but most of all I was mad at Jessica. For making me see the truth, for making me see Chrissy for what she really was, for making me feel like I shouldn't hate her. Jessica was always so honest, sweet, and kind. I can't believe I didn't notice her!! When I try to think about her I confuse myself.. I just want to know where she is, and that she's ok. If I see her though I won't let her know that.. I need time to think.

(Jessica's P.O.V)
I finally got to my dads house and I ran in to hug him, I started crying again.
"What's wrong princess?"
My dad asked hugging me tighter as I cried on his shoulder.
"A lot had happen dad, and I don't know what to do."
He took a step back and sat in the couch tapping the seat next to him.
"Tell me what's going on."
I explained everything to him and how I might have ruined Cameron's happiness.
" princess you're human, humans make mistakes, humans fall in love it's not your fault because you didn't know they were standing behind you, and it's not like you lied about any of it."
Again my dad made me feel better so I decided to go home.
I opened my door and saw Cameron and Chrissy sitting on the couch holding hands and talking. She was crying and it looked like he was too.
I took a deep breath and put my head down as I walked upstairs towards my room. I felt Cameron staring, I stopped when I got to the stair case and I turned around and looked at him, I was right he was looking at me. Only this wasn't a pleasant look, it was a (you ruined my relationship look) I turned back around and put my head down as I walked up the stairs through the hall and into my room. I kept thinking about that look.. It almost seemed.. I don't know. I think I'm just being silly.
All that was running through my mind was, I was the one who broke his heart today. I will never forget the look in his eyes earlier when he heard the news, I couldn't forget even if I tried it was like it was pierced in my brain forever.
I don't see how Cameron is still with her knowing she's also in love with his best friend... I wonder what she told him. It's not fair, it's not fair how he is down there with her and I'm all alone up here, it's not fair that I don't know how his breath tastes or how his hand feels, it's not fair that I don't know what being wrapped in his arms feels like, it's not fair how I love him more than anyone could ever love him yet he's still with her. He's with someone who doesn't love him as much as he loves her.
I got out and heard my phone buzzing over and over. it was Nash, and I'm sure he hated me too so why would he be calling? I picked up anyways. I need to apologize anyways..

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