Chapter 29 - See You Soon

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Though upon actually searching her prints in the system she was linked to another 9 murders, 4 of them being her ex's she confirmed upon questioning. When asked why she had killed them, she simply shrugged and showed little to no remorse. Farther they tried to investigate how her identity had been scrubbed from the system without someone noticing and with a lot of work from their cyber department, they traced it to an IP in downtown New York.

A raid was immediately done and when they arrested the young man, he wasn't unfamiliar to them and it was another big score for them. They had been looking for Zac Hughes for quite some time; it didn't take long to make him crack and he said his father had put him up to it. He too wasn't unfamiliar to the FBI, though they never could find solid evidence to link him to anything, but the suspicion was there. Titus Hughes. During the investigation they had even arrested Lexa because they discovered ties between her and Titus; she wasn't surprised that she had been taken in. She cooperated bet she could but she had no information about him and the FBI had nothing on her except a few phone calls years ago between herself and Titus.

After 48 hours they released her and she was free to go home, it was a waste of time and resources to say the least. A week later upon more questioning of Zac, he gave up his father's location and another raid was set to hit. Though when they entered the home, the smell of death was evident. Titus had hung himself in the kitchen and there was no note but they assumed he did it because they were closing in on him. However, when they told Zac about his father's death, he laughed and shook his head, calling his father a coward.

Back to the present day, Lexa and Clarke were at the court house. Waiting for the proceedings to start, but after they did not start 10 minutes after they were supposed to, the judge made them aware that the prison van was going to be somewhat late due to traffic. All the murder victim's family's were there too and they were anxious to see the woman that had killed their loved ones without any sort of remorse.

An hour later, the van still hadn't arrived and they couldn't reach the guards driving it. The last location of the van was pinged and all the FBI found was an empty van ran off the road with the dead bodies of 3 guards. 2 in the front seats that each had a bullet wound in their heads and the other guard in the back that was in charge of guarding Costia to make sure she did not harm herself on the way to court. Turns out that guard needed a guard more than she did because Costia had escaped and she had used her teeth to rip out the guards' jugular. They expect she had help with the guards in the front though but whomever that was, they had no idea. Apparently, the guards had taken a detour for some reason and they were run off the road on a part where there was no sort of surveillance.

An all-out man hunt started but without any sort of success, she was gone.

Disappointed, the family's headed home and so did Clarke and Lexa. Clarke called the hospital and said she wasn't coming in on the day and Lexa was essentially her own boss so she could do just what she liked to. Their ride home was silent for the most part except for the radio that played in the background which Clarke quickly switched off when the news came on and talked about Costia and if anyone saw her that they should not approach her because she's most likely armed and dangerous; the public was asked to call the authorities with whatever information they might have or come across and there will be a hotline available soon.

They parked in the garage and as ritual went between them, Lexa got out first and opened Clarke's door for her. Except they didn't head into the house this time; the moment Clarke stepped out of the car, Lexa closed it behind her and gathered Clarke up in her arms. She held her tight and close, she could tell Clarke was upset and perhaps even a little frightened that Costia was out in the world again. Truly the thought scared Lexa too now that they knew the extent of Costia's crimes and how crazy she actually was.

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