Chapter 11- A "Vacation" Pt Two

Start from the beginning

        "How perceptive," Angela smiled innocently, "Are you perhaps trying to provoke me?"

        "Perhaps," Replying nonchalantly, I walked around the angel, "After all, you are fallen. Why else would your aura be so corrupted?" Not even looking back, I could sense the consdensending glare within her amethyst gaze, the blood thirstiness. 'Good, I struck a nerve. Mayhaps I'll get this deceptive little 'servant' to show her true colors.' That thought in mind, I allowed myself a wicked smile before wiping it away and walking down the hallway. 'That'll be fun. I haven't faced a Fallen in a while.' Sure footed, I walked to Ciel's bedroom, sensing his immediate aura of frustration.

        "I take it, then, that the case isn't solved?" After recieving a muffled, irritated 'enter,' I complied, adding, "How disappointing." Ciel stood at his desk, clutching the wood as though he wanted to break it to pieces. Though it was stating the obvious, I knew he couldn't possibly with his stregnth, equal to that of a willow branch... no not even. A pine needle in the middle of summer, dry and brittle and frail. Yuki snickered on my shoulder. "What precisely occured during my slumber?" Mouthing out of the corner of my mouth, I gazed coolly at the extremely frustrated Earl.

        "Merely the excruciatingly violent murder of Lord Barrymore," Sebastian smiled pleasantly, and I snorted, pinching the bridge of my nose.

        "Did I not tell you, Young Master?" I turned my eyes back to Ciel, who looked up expectantly. "'All the stories are true.'  When dealing your cards in the supernatural, never cast aside the joker. It might just turn out to be useful." With that, I waved my hand flippantly, exiting the room. "I'll go investigate, if no one objects. Come along, Yuki." The little fox hesitated at the door, one paw in the air, meeting Sebastian's crimson eyes cautiously. The raven demon cocked his head to the side before nodding, eyes glowing slightly.

        "I know," He stated under his breath, and I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.

        "Yu-ki," I enunciated with slight irritation, and she lept onto my shoulder, biting my ear. "Alright I'm sorry. Let's just go get some information. I may be gone a while." When I reached the nearest window, I hopped out, rolling to the ground while holding my hat. "Now then, where's the nearest graveyard?"


        Ronald roamed the streets of Houndsworth with a bored expression plastered upon his features, a yawn threatening to escape his lips. The sky, as usual, was a boring blank slate of grays and ever darker grays, a land bereft of trees... or anything fun, for that matter. Raking his fingers through his ruffled blond hair, he sighed, leaping from rooftop to rooftop, mist slapping against his face. He was only pacing, repeatedly jumping across the meager line of houses, with nothing better to do as he was stuck there.

        "Of all places to be stuck in for assignment," He groaned, shaking his head in frustration. Leisurely leaining on his death scythe, he glimpsed his note book. "'Assess position of Archer: With Phantomhive or no?' Not so simple, William-sempai." Snapping the book shut, he jumped onto the streets below, the mist hiding his scythe perfectly.  Sighing, he found himself ambling towards the graveyard, kicking pebbles along the way.

        The Houndsworth Cemetery, spelled out in spidery, worn lettering above its rusted gate, was no more than a smattering of stones upon a wind-scarred hill. Ravens cawed harshly, the wind whistled shrilly, and wooden chimes clacked ominously: A melody of sounds weaving together for an eerie cacaphony of noises that sent the spine tinging. Ronald waved his hand over his death scythe, causing it to disappear, and put his hands in his pockets. He ran his hand over the moist bark of a skeletal tree, roots growing over a worn headstone, and stooped down to read it when he heard something. It started out as a clear note, but then it began to rise and fall with the wind, lilting and intriguing. There weren't any words to this song, yet it entranced him, and like the sirens of lore it lured him towards its owners location.

        And there she stood, a phantom breeze blowing her long hair and all the world silent as to hear her song.


        My voice rose and fell in pitch, the scale with more ups and downs than the wildest roller coaster. Ravens cocked their heads at me, suddenly curious, and swooped over, perching on the graves like they were no more than seats in a theatre. Yuki tensed, and I stroked her comfortingly, but I only increased in pitch. No going back once it started. The dark birds began to circle around me, a veritable vortex of black feathers, whirling and whirling around me. Closing my eyes, I allowed the not so silence to fill my ears, listening to their harsh cawing.        

        "There." I stated, grabbing in a seemingly random direction. The startled birds scattered, taking off in a storm, their feathers raining down from the sky. Opening my eyes, I firmly grasped the struggling creature in my hand.

        It wasn't a raven, that much was for certain, although it shared the same feathers and coloring. But thats where the simalarites ended. Its four wings were like that of a bat's, bald and as dark a red as wine. A long, scaly jade tail whipped behind it, a sickle like blade at its end, continually attempting to get my arm. It did indeed have a beak, but it was longer and narrower, curving like the bill of the ibis in Egypt. Where its bald, gray face should have been, there were simply eyes, all of them a different hue, and there was a single one that was only white in the center of its forehead. Eventually, it ceased its quixotic struggling and glared at me with its numerous gazes.

        My eyes gleamed their brilliant blue, and its multiple ones gleamed a sulfurous yellow along with it.

        "Corpse Swallower," I said respectfully, releasing the thing and holding my arm out like a falconer. It landed on it, sweeping a bow with its two of its wings.  

        "I much prefer All-Seer," Its eyes all focused on me, eerily, "What is it you require?" Its voice was like the whispering among the graves, like the dead telling each other secrets within the earth.

        "For that, you require your name, correct?" The All-Seer nodded, grinning a devilish grin to rival Sebastian's.

        "Clever girl," Ruffling its feathers and puffing out its chest, it looked to me expectantly. Unfocusing my eyes, I looked dead into its blind eye until it became a color: A light, impossible amethyst.

        "Lavendula," Emotionlessly, I stated, smirking at its surprised look. "Now, tell me: Is there a demon hound around here, true or false."

        "False," It chirped, and my eyes widened, then narrowed.

        "Demon hounds?" Lavendula nodded, and then flew off, laughing maniacally.

        "Oh dear," Pinching the bridge of my nose, I coaxed a trembling Yuki out from behind my hair. "Sorry, little fox. Now then," Smirking, I pulled down the bridge of my hat. "I haven't faced a demon hound before... Interesting. Let's go, Yuki." Calmly, I walked off, flippantly waving behind me. "Oh, and Monsieur Knox?" I could feel his shock through the thick fog. "I prefer not to have an audience. Au revoir." With that, I walked out of the grave yard and back towards the Barrymore manor... or should I say former?

        Smirk widening, I walked off into the fog.

        "Yuki, if you wouldn't mind finding the Young Master and telling him I'll be absent for a bit?" She looked from me to the barren moor and back, cautiously eyeing each and every shadow. "I'll be alright. Go on." She lept away, though I sensed her hesitation. Sighing, I shook my head and sprinted off into the fog.

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