Six weeks ago

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I am a junior but after this summer break I am officially a senior and currently, there's a party for the seniors who already graduated

which I will be attending to very soon but here's my little background check before I get into the good shit

yes I live in Freeridge and I've been living here my entire life, I know the rules that go on around here very simple yet dangerous

I am what you say a popular girl, I am a cheerleader and I love it that's how I got to know my best friends Blair and Luna

they are my life literally we definitely had some fights but at the end of the day we would take a bullet for one another

Rio is my lifetime best friend he was with me since the womb practically, we even got married when we were younger I ate my ring pop...

although my family is sooo chaotic we have my mother who is or can be very protective and my dad who is basically controlled by my mom

my older brother Mario, who is so obsessed with his girlfriend it's sad really, my little brother Ruby who is a weird smart freak

and the twins oh and how can I forget about my grandma she's my favorite, we smoke together, sometimes I wish I wasn't part of the family

but what can I say I love them to death and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world, no I'm not avoiding the obvious

We have the Santos and the Prophets the two most known dangerous gangs in Freeridge I don't know much about the prophets but I know everything about the Santos

Spooky... his right hand is Sad eyes and Rio, yes I was furious about Rio joining but I learned to deal with it

Now Oscar is in prison I think he killed someone a prophet I am assuming, we're actually dating and I always visit just not recently...

Spooky's little brother Cesar is friends with my little brother Ruby and Monse, Jamal, I think that's the whole group not sure...

I am friends with them too, we took Cesar in after he went to prison but now he lives back in his house

anyway enough with that, we finally arrived at the party and immediately we smelt weed and alcohol, we saw a banner that says

"Congrats 2018 Freeridge Fam!"

we saw people doing drugs, dancing, some were practically having sex with clothes on others were aggressively making out

hint my brother, Mario "Lookie lookie" Luna smirked while nudging my arm, I looked at the bar "Oh hell no"

Blair rolled her eyes "I got this round next time it's you Luna" she giggled "Yeah sure bitch" she pulled me to the dancefloor

"You're really done with him huh?" I nodded "Yup that asshole cheated on me with Lydia disgusting"

she turned me around and pulled me against her "Well let's just have fun and get faded" I chuckled as I loosely grind on her

"Can I join?" I looked up and saw Rio "Brought the drinks oh hey babe" she kissed sad eyes as I grabbed the two drinks

and gave one to Luna "Hey Rio you finally made it" I squealed as I hugged him while trying not to spill my drink

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