e p i l o g u e

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the summer sun is beaming down at us through the open window. draco and i lay facing one another, one of his pale, long arms wrapped around my waist as he sleeps. i stretch my legs on the bed as i open my eyes. draco lays beside of me, still sleeping. i take a moment to take all of him in.

my eyes gaze upon his pale, unblemished skin. the same skin that was once littered with bruises of all shades. his skin is soft, as i reach out and caress his cheek. his nose twitches softly in his sleep. i bite back a smile, loving the way that the butterflies swarm in my stomach. i love the slight flush to his cheeks, it makes him look healthy. his cheekbone is sharp under my thumb, but not unnaturally so. i feel the concave positions of his face, ranging from the hollows of his cheeks to the crook of his neck. i drink all of him in, loving every second of it. i love the golden glow of the sun casting shapes on his milky skin. it takes a moment for me to realize how grateful i am. how grateful i am for such a perfect boy.

but for a second, i'm consumed by anger. i'm angry that this isn't the draco that i got to see all year long. i'm angry that bellatrix took that from him. he wasn't able to have perfect, unblemished skin. he wasn't able to have a healthy glow to his skin. he always looked to be a sick shade of grey when she was around. she was the reason for his hollowed out cheeks, so much so that he looked sick.

i swallow down the rage that manifests itself as a lump in my throat. i force myself to take a deep breath, not wanting to disturb draco in his sleep. i can't allow myself to become angry at situations that are in the past, at situations that i cannot control. if i become filled with hatred and bitterness i'll be no better than bellatrix herself. i refuse to let my hatred consume me.

draco begins to stir when the small circles in rubbing on his cheeks cease.

"why'd you stop?" he grumbles, his voice deep with sleep. i laugh softly, loving his morning voice. he peels an eye open to pester me. he lets his lids droop down lazily.

"sorry, princess," i joke, continuing the small circles on his skin. i feel the tension in his body dissipate the second i continue. i can't help but let my mind wander. this entire year is filled with 'what if's'.

draco huffs before peeking an eye open. "you're thinking too much."

"how would you know that?" i ask, raising a brow. dracos lips turn into a small smile, a telltale sign that he's about to say something that he deems as hilarious.

"because i smell smoke," he laughs. i can't help but laugh with him. i wish that we could have laughed more this year.

i watch as draco stretches in the morning sun, as it casts shadows along all of his harsh edges. he hits his lip as he does so, seemingly overthinking.

"i thought i was the one who overthought things," i say, hinting for him to open up. he rolls his eyes at me before laying back down. we're laying face to face with our legs intertwined .

"just thinking," he says. i scoff at that.

"i know that much. care to share?" i ask, bringing a hand up to run my fingers through his pale blonde hair.

"i'm just wondering if i'm more trouble than i'm worth," he says abruptly. he doesn't elaborate further, he just leaves it.

"what do you mean?" i ask in confusion.

he sighs gently before his eyes meet mine. "i'm just thinking. i think that your year would have been better if i wasn't in it." i can't help but laughs at that. draco looks shocked for a second before i explain myself.

"draco, i cared for you well before this year," i admit. "no one can ever be sure of what would have happened that night in the astronomy tower if i wasn't there. but i'd take bellatrix dying over any other option." he nods his head in agreement, pursing his lips slightly. his mind seems to be racing, with so many thoughts crossing his mind he struggles to pick just one to focus on. his eyebrows knit together, pinching his face together

"all i do is cause you trouble," his voice is rough with emotion.

"maybe i like trouble." and for a second, we're encased in silence. we both bask in it, taking a moment to absorb each other's thoughts.

i don't think that i like trouble, really. i mean c'mon, i'm a hufflepuff. but if draco malfoy is what people deem as trouble, then yes, i love trouble.


that is the end of chemistry guys!
thank you so much for reading, i loved reading all of your comments.
i hope you enjoyed the journey :)

to clarify some things that confused people:
malfoy cursed venus' bear in order to make herforget him
venus fired the killing curse at bellatrix

Chemistry ; draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now