t h i r t y s i x

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double update because i love you guys :)
some chapters were shown out of order for some viewers, hopefully that is fixed now!

the aurors hand is cold against my shoulder. there's a moment of clarity before the whirlwind of apparation. before me, i watch draco swirl of out my view. his hand outstretched and his mouth calling my name will forever be engrained in my memory.

i'm dropped into a cell with a 'thunk'. the aurors close the metal door, leaving me in solitary. the two aurors who had grabbed me walk away, taking a sharp left once they exit my cell. i look to both sides of me, both the left and the right are lined with cells, as is the wall across from me. there's a narrow, dark hallway that seperates the cells.

the walls around me are dingy, they look as though they haven't been cleaned in years. i walk toward the wall slowly, not taking my eyes off of the dirt layering itself upon the once grey walls. i walk along it's perimeter. the far back wall is made of stone, but the other three are made of metal bars. i reach my hand out to trail my fingers across them when suddenly i'm thrown back across the room. they must be jinxed. i stay on the ground and wait for a someone, anyone, to come and tell me what i should be expecting.

i'm brought two meals, both by guards who can't, or won't, say much. the meals are spaced out oddly, i'm not too sure what time it is anymore.

the first guard is younger, a bit more toned than the other. i've nicknamed him A. A never lingers, but he's never abruptly rude. the other guard is quite the opposite. i make sure that i'm as far away from B, what i've nicknamed the other guard, when he comes to bring my meal. his gaze burns into my skin, hungry yet insatiable. i fear that if i was close enough to be tangible, he'd reach out his hand and grab me.

"please!" i beg as A walks away. "you can search my memory, it was in self defense!" his steps don't falter, they continue down the hall until he disappears.

the food is bland. i'm not too sure if one could even consider it food. there's boiled potatoes, boiled green beans as well as some sort of meat. i swallow it all, knowing that i can't allow for them to break me.

it's hard to sleep with the sounds of guards A and B chatting in the distance. guard B's deep, raspy voice echoes down the thin hall, bouncing off of the walls. i try my best to keep myself awake, but i cave in. i sleep in the far right corner with my knees pulled up to my chest. my heart pangs when i think about draco, so i try to keep my thoughts away from him. drifting off into sleep is hard, he always finds his way into my dreams.

"get up," guard B says as he pushes my meal through an opening between the bars. i scramble to my feet, needing to use every second i have to plead for information. "eat it now, or don't eat at all." i completely ignore the food being pushed at me for a moment.

"i'll take veritaserum!" i shout, doing everything i can so that i don't accidentally graze the metal bars. my eyes are pleading as i stare at him. he stares back, his eyes lacking emotion.

"nothing can be done until the trial." his words ring in my head.


i'm going on trial for murder.

the days bleed into one another, i'm truly not sure what day it is when draco and dumbledore come to visit. i hear their steps echo throughout the hall, dracos quicker than the headmasters.

i can't help the smile that forces it's way onto my face when i finally see him. i missed everything about him, so much so that it's overwhelming. i blink away the tears that form in my eyes, not wanting him to see me cry.

the mask that his his eyes is gone, and for a moment it fixes things. knowing that he's no longer afraid to feel emotions, that he's no longer afraid to be himself makes me feel elated. but at the same time, i'm distraught. his eyes are filled with an indescribable sadness. they're a dark grey, and i think there's a bit of anger in there too.

"are you mad?" i ask, needing to know. he lets out a small laugh, shaking his head.

"i'm pissed," he scoffs. "but i'm also thankful." he reaches his hand in between the bars to grab ahold of my pinky. it only takes a few seconds before a guard is rushing down the hallway to stop us, but it's all i needed. a reminder to keep going.

i turn to dumbledore, he's smiling down at me.

"ms. tugwood-zabini, i want to assure you that i will get you out of this mess," he drawls on, a small dawning his face. i can't help but smile back at him.

"how?" i ask, my voice small. my eyes drift over to draco, the corners of his lips are quirked up into a half smile.

"let us worry about that," draco says. a smile grazes my lips he talks. i feel butterflies in my stomach when i look at him. merlin, i've missed him so much.

"i missed you." i whisper, wanting to savour a moment between just the two of us. he rolls his eyes playfully.

"don't go soft on me," he laughs. i find myself laughing too, we both know that i've always been soft. especially for him. "i've missed you too," his voice is soft and quiet.

"times up!" the guards voice is heard from down the hall. dracos eyes shoot down the hall, suddenly angry. i offer him a smile when he glances back at me. dumbledores already heading down the hall, yet draco lingers for a moment. he basks in it. a moment shared between the two of us. we haven't had many of those.

with the nod of his head, he turns and leaves. before disappearing out of my view, he turns his head back and offers me a smile. a glimmer of hope. i retreat back into the corner, holding that smile dear to my heart.

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