t w e n t y e i g h t

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after a few moments of shock i lift myself off the floor, dusting off my robes lightly. i feel a whirlwind of emotions, each hitting me stronger than the one before. i'm distraught; i fear for dracos wellbeing. it seems as though he's slipping away before my eyes. i'm also fucking pissed. i'm angry that i can't protect him from the hurt, and i'm angry that the aurors haven't caught on. i can't turn them in, draco believes that family is everything, even if family doesn't have his best interest in mind. but i think most of all i'm scared. i'm scared for what the future holds for draco, scared of not knowing what's eating away at him.

i break into a run down the corridor, heading straight to the slytherin common room. by a stroke of luck i run into blaise leaving the room.

"woah, hey." his hands grab my shoulders gently, he looks down at my tear soaked face. "what's wrong?" his voice is gentle as he holds me in place.

"i need to see draco," i mumble, attempting to push past him. he tightens his grip on my shoulders, biting his lip in thought.

"the password is 'veela', by the way," his hand lingers comfortingly, and i smile lightly up at him.

"thank you," my voice is barely above a whisper. he smiles back before heading down the corridor.

"veela." the common room pries open, seemingly taking forever.

once there's enough room i slip through, running up the stairs toward the boys dormitory. i run past theo in my rush, i almost slam into him but i'm able to dodge him at the last second.

the rooms empty when i enter. within seconds draco emerges from the bathroom. his eyes flicker up to meet mine, but quickly shoot back down before he can reach my face

"go back to your dorm," his voice is weak, it cracks ever so slightly.

"draco, come here." i make my way to his bed, conjuring an ice pack as i sit down. he walks with his eyes downcast, trailing his left leg behind. to anyone else it would barely be noticeable, but i know him.

"close your eyes." his eyes flutter shut, his pale blonde eyelashes framing his cheeks. i grab his wrist, flipping his arm so that it's palm up. i place the covered ice pack in his hand and raise it up to the large bruise on his temple. his hand shakes from the weight of it.

"stay here," i whisper. i get up and head to the bathroom to rummage through his cabinets. i find everything that i'm looking for: bandages, antiseptic, as well as a roll of gauze.

by the time i leave the bathroom draco's flopped back against the bed. i frown, knowing that his whole body must be aching.

"i'm back," i announce, just in case his eyes were open. the corner of his lip quirks up into a small smile as he feels the bed dip beside him.

i wipe his face gently, disinfecting the cuts that are scattered across his face. there's one that i spend extra time with, it's a gash along his cheekbone. this ones thicker than the rest, slightly deeper too. he winces when i dab around it, cleaning off the dirt.

"sorry," i mumble, lost in my thoughts.

"s'okay." he sighs heavily and allows me to finish cleaning his cuts. once they're all clean i place bandages on them. i need two to cover the cut on his cheek.

it hurts to see him like this, but i know that it must hurt him more.

i crouch down on the ground to inspect his ankle, suspecting that that's why he's limping. when i see his right ankle i know that my suspicions were correct. it's swollen on one side, and almost purple in colour. i cringe when i see it, it must hurt like hell.

i learned how to wrap ankles a few years ago, i had to. blaise was getting hit with trip-jinxes almost daily, he didn't want to worry mum so he came to me instead. it's second nature to me now, my hand moves from memory as i wrap his ankle snugly.  i'm just about done when draco speaks up.

"i want you to listen to me," he says, purposely avoiding my name. "go home. i don't care what excuse you have to make up, i need you to leave." his eyes remain glued shut as he talks. i get up off the floor after finishing with his ankle, taking a seat beside him on the bed.

"no," i almost laugh. "i'm not leaving you here. whatever happens will happen whether or not i'm here, i'd rather be by your side during it."

"fuck, you're insufferable!" his shouts, clenching his fists by his side. "can't listen to a simple instruction, can you?" he brings his hands up to rub forcefully at his eyes.

"nope." i grab one of his hands, tearing it away from his eyes. i fumble with it, twirling around the rings that cover his fingers with my own.

"go fucking home!" his whole body trembles as he shouts. "fuck, i don't know how many times i need to say it," his voice cracks at the end.

"i'm not going anywhere draco," i whisper, bringing his hand up to my mouth so that i can place small kisses to it.

i'm not looking at him when i notice that he's crying. his body is wracking with sobs as he lays against the bed.

"draco-" i start, but i'm cut off before i can finish.

"i can't lose you," he mumbles out, his voice barely above a whisper. i sigh softly at him, bringing my free hand up to push his hair out of his eyes.

"you're not going to, git." i see his eyes crinkle slightly at the edges, hopefully with a smile.

"it's all gonna be fine," i lay down beside him. "i'll make sure of it."

the amount of support this story is getting makes me so happy!

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