Truth is out

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Kuroo is a little surprised that Kenma gave him such a look of hatred. He can see tears pushing to release themselves. "What are you talking about? I need context Kenma! I'm so confused because you won't tell me why I can't be mad, or what I've done wrong!"

"Hey! Don't yell in here! You'll keep away customers!" The store owner yells at the two of them.

Kenma walks to the aisle where Hinata went and sees him leaning against the shelf, he clearly felt weird listening on in a touchy subject. "O-oh hey Kenma." Hinata says quietly, still wary. Kenma grabs Hinata's hand and leads him out of the store. "What Kenma?! Where are we going?!" He exclaims.

Kenma walks out of the store but a hand on his shoulder stops him. "Kenma! Don't you leave now! I deserve and answer!" He tells Kenma.

The dyed blonde whips around and slaps Kuroo's shoulder, "Don't you dare say it like I'm the bad guy! I deserve an apology from you!" Kenma yells at Kuroo, which is responded with confused eyes and an open jaw from the three people present.

Hinata walks over to Yachi, "We should give them some privacy.." he advises to her, she nods and as Hinata gets on his bike, she walks along beside him, they make conversation about what happened.

Once they leave, Kuroo speaks again. "God Kenma, all I want is an explanation! You're being so dramatic about something I'm sure isn't even that big!" Those words trigger something inside Kenma.

He walks forward and pushes Kuroo with his fingers, "You dare to say that after the years of hope you gave me?! After the years I spent thinking I'd spend all of mine with you! You cant even remember what gave me hope! What gave me a reason to continue! What kept me safe and what I always looked back on for comfort! You forgot!" He yells at Kuroo at full volume.

Kuroo stands stunned, he stares at Kenma, he's never acted out like this before. "What did I forget!" He yells back.

Kenma grits his teeth, "Ugh I can't believe you! I'm starting to think you don't even want to remember! The  guilt of breaking your promise  is keeping you.. or would you even feel guilt if you remembered.." the tears finally slip out, and they run down his cheeks one after the other. Kuroo calls himself down, seeing that Kenma is obviously breaking down. He walks forward and gives him a hug, Kenma pushes him away. "I don't want a hug from a liar.." he wipes his tears away but they keep coming.

"Kenma.. I'm begging you.. tell me so I can share your anger.." Kuroo says, desperately trying to get an explanation.

"W-when we were eight.. y-you took me on that h-hill to look at the stars." He says quietly, choking on his tears and breath.

Kuroo nods, "Oh! I remember that! What about it?" He hides his smile from finally getting Kenma to open up.

Kenma sniffles, "You made a promise to me.. do you remember it..?" He asks, praying to whatever god is out there that he won't have to say it himself.

Kuroo thinks for a little bit, "I remember going there but I can't recall what we talked about." He admits.

"Dammit". Kenma sighs and takes another shaky breath, "You.. you said you'd marry me.. that you would never leave me.. that I would always be the person you care for most." He finally tells Kuroo, and his face is red with embarrassment.

Kuroo stands there silently before laughing a little, Kenma's shoulders jolt up at this reaction. "Kenma this is what you were worked up about? I never left you, and you're still who I care for most." He smiles, happy to know the silly reason that kept Kenma so angry at him. "Come on, that can't be the reason why you were angry. We were eight and you still remember? I'm gonna use that whenever you forget your homework!" Kuroo teases.

Kenma shakes in anger, and embarrassment. "Are.. are you laughing at me..?" He asks his raven-haired friend.

Kuroo leans down to look at Kenma, "Well it's adorable you took an eight year seriously about something so serious." He notices Kenma shake and tears falling down to the floor. "Wait.. you... did you actually take me seriously back then? Kenma marriage isn't even legal for same sex." He explains.

Those words break Kenma's world. He looks up at Kuroo and slaps him, "This is why I didn't want to tell you! You should've just taken responsibility so I didn't have to tell you!" Kenma grabs his bag and starts to run away.

Kuroo turns around quickly and grabs Kenma's arm. "Wait Kenma! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have made fun of you, I just didn't know you felt that way.."

Kenma turns around once more but only utters two words. "Let go." And he says them with murderous intent behind them, it frightens Kuroo a little so he follows his order and let's go. Kenma walks sternly, placing each foot on the ground with the weight of embarrassment and rage.

Kuroo sighs as he watches his childhood friend walk away, he gets a buzz from his phone and he checks with hope. It's just Yachi. He opens the message

Yachi> hey, Karasuno's bus is leaving. I hope everything went okay with Kenma, try not to be too hard on him, you know how sensitive he's been around you lately.

He groans and rolls his head back, that would be great advice if she had sent it earlier, before he mocked Kenma.

He sits on the floor outside the store and sticks his hands into his hair. He lets out another frustrated growl. "Dammit.. I really messed up this time..." he lets out a disappointed sigh.

"If only I knew that he felt that way.." Kuroo thinks for a moment, realizing something. "Wait this happened when we were eight.. did he grow up believing that we were getting married... oh my god.. did I ruin everything between us?"

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