Practice match

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Kenma slides down the wall of the dorm house, "You have too much energy, I wasn't made for this kind of stuff. We should go grab breakfast before it's all gone." He asks Hinata, who's hitting the ball against the wall and receiving it, and repeat.

He catches the ball and nods, "Yeah you're probably right, it would suck having a practice match on an empty stomach." He states. "Let's go!" He starts to walk before he feels a tug on his jacket sleeve.

Hinata turns around and looks at Kenma, "Shoyo.. I'm sorry." He says in a low voice.

The orange haired boy raises an eyebrow, "Sorry? What for?"

Kenma takes a breath before answering, "Well you probably want to hang out with other people, get to know people on the other teams so you can practice with them.. but I'm making you stay with me.." he admits.

Hinata frowns and shakes his head, "No! Don't say that, I'm doing this because you don't hang out with anyone else and you need a break from Kuroo! Besides, you've been nice another practicing with me, you don't nah at me like Kageyama does!" He says, his frown turns into a huge smile, which makes Kenma smile. Hinata makes a dramatic gasp at that, "You smiled! Kenma smiled! I made Kenma smile!" Hinata teases.

Kenma puffs his cheeks, "It's only because you're a big dofus." He defends himself.

Hinata nods, "If that's what makes you happy then I'll continue being a dofus!" The two of them laugh a little before Kenma gets up and they both walk to the dining room.

When they both arrive, there are some people already there, the managers and some early-bird players helped make the breakfast, it was a little more than the rest of the week because they were trying to cook all the leftovers throughout the day.

Kenma and Hinata walk in line, Kuroo catches Kenma's eyes and he finds himself staring at his friend for a little before looking back at the food, he makes his plates, waits for Hinata, and they both walk to an empty part of a table. Hinata speaks first to stop the awkward silence, but he speaks hushed, "So do you still like Kuroo?"

This surprised Kenma and he quickly clasps his hands on Hinata's mouth, "not here Shoyo.." he says, noticeably embarrassed by his red cheeks. "We can only talk about that stuff outside and alone."

Hinata nods, he was surprised by Kenma's sudden movement. He releases his hands and they both eat for a little. "I wonder how many matches we'll have today, shouldn't be many since it's the last day." Kenma says, changing the topic.

Hinata frowns, "Yeah, I'm kinda sad that it's ending! I've had a lot of fun training with Nekoma and Fukurōdani! You guys are both so amazing! I still think we can beat you though!" He sticks out his tongue, then takes another bite, which was nearly a quarter of his meal all in one.

Kenma does eat, but he mainly just picks at his food, he can eyes staring at him. He slowly turns around and sees Kuroo looking at him from a few tables away, he jumps and goes red faced, then quickly turns away. "He keeps staring at me.." Kenma tells Hinata. He looks past Kenma and sees an intense stare from Kuroo, he feels Kenma's hand on his shoulder, "Well don't look! Or Atleast be less obvious about it." He sighs.

"I mean, you are ghosting him, so I can see why he'd be staring at you.." he says. "Why don't you tell him why you're mad at him? I'm sure he'll understand."

Kenma shakes his head, "No. that's a terrible idea. He would tease me about being mushy for remembering something so minor.."

Hinata shrugs and crosses his arms, "Well it doesn't seem like such a minor thing to me, proposing t-" Kenma covers Hinata's mouth again and gives him a warning look. He lowers them and Hinata smiles shyly, "Sorry.."

They continue to eat until they're done, then they throw their plastic ware away. As everyone finished, they all walk to the gym, small groups of people walking. Kenma stays close to Hinata, and Hinata stays with Kenma even though he makes remarks to his other teammates. Once they reach the gym Each team goes to a separate part of the gym to stretch. Kenma didn't like the fact that he had to separate from Hinata, but he had no choice.

Kenma sits down a little always from the rest of the group, he stretches his legs then arms, back, until everyone else is done.

"Okay everyone! First match is Nekoma vs. Fukurōdani!" A coach says.

Kenma looks at Kuroo go to his place, he wonders if Kuroo will be off his game today like he is, probably not, he wouldn't let something small like this affect him.

-after the match-

Fukurōdani won. It wasn't like Nekoma was falling apart because their main setter and their main spiker were off. Oh wait.

Kuroo walks off the course with a little disappointment, he sees Yachi and smiles, he waves her over and she happily comes over. She hands him a water bottle and he smiles, "Thank you!"

She gives him a thumbs up, "No problem! You played well!" Yachi says with a happy tone of voice. "By the way, I heard from some talk that you and Kenma are fighting, are you guys okay?" She asks, a little concerned, she knows that Kuroo and Kenma are super close.

Kuroo sighs and wipes the sweat off his face with a towel, "I couldn't answer that, I know he's mad at me, but he won't tell me what's up."

Yachi frowns then raises her index finger, "Have you asked Hinata? I noticed they've been sticking close since this morning, maybe he knows something?" She suggests.

Kuroo nods, "You hit the nail on the head, but he won't tell me anything, he says I just need to remember before I go ask Kenma, but they won't even give me a clue about what I'm supposed to remember." He sighs.

Yachi brushes her hair back behind her ear and responds, "Oh that doesn't sound good, well I hope you two make up soon! Kenma doesn't seem like the person to hold a grudge."

Kuroo laughs, "You're wrong about that one, I accidentally messed up the Wifi while he was saving data and he kept hitting me in the back of the head whenever it was his turn to serve."

Yachi laughs along with him, "See! You guys are close! I'm sure you'll figure it out in no time!" She says supportively.

Kuroo smiles, "Okay well you better go back before we look super suspicious, besides your team is starting."

Yachi looks over at Karasuno's group and nods, "Oh you're right! See you later!" She waves to him and runs off to her team.

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