Apple Pie and Spicy Chips

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Kenma hear his name being called by his friend. The dyed blonde weaves him over, and Hinata rolls over on his bike, his duffel bag strapped to the front. "Kenma you waited!" He exclaims.

Kenma shrugs and a confused look on his face, "Of course.. you asked me to.." he says quietly.

Hinata looks at Kenma's bag and makes a gasping noise, "Oh sorry! You can put your stuff on my bike! I'm positive I can hold!"

Kenma shakes his head, "No thank you, it would make the bike too heavy..." he says.

Hinata shakes his head, "No no! You're fine! Besides it'll be a workout." He flexed his upper arms and laughs. Kenma smiles.

"I'm afraid it would break your little basket.. then you wouldnt be able to use it anymore.." he explains to Hinata, who nods slowly in agreement.

"Anyways, let's head over to that store! I'm pretty sure that seems like the place that'll have them!" Hinata points to a little shop across the street. Kenma nods and follows Hinata and he rides slowly across the street and parks his bike outside the store. Kenma leans his bag against Hinata's bike because bags aren't allowed in the store, theft reasons.

The two walk into the store and Hinata drags Kenma over to a little rack of glasses. "Kenma look at these!" He grabs them and places them onto his face.

"Hinata- what" he touches the glasses on his face and looks in the mirror. They're tan and have little cat ears on either end.

"They suite you!" Hinata laughs and Kenma smiles and punches Hinata's arm very lightly. "So mean." The orange haired boy teases.

Kenma takes them off at stares at them, "Should I get them?" He looks back up at Hinata, he looks surprised, "Well you said they looked good? So I was just asking."

Hinata smiles widely, "No you don't have to! Besides where would you where them to?" He asks, although it was said as a statement. He takes the glasses off and places them back on the rack. "Now let's find you one apple pie bar!" He drives his index finger into the air.

Kenma nods, "Make sure you're keeping track of time before your bus leaves. It would be bad if you got stuck behind." He advises to Hinata. He nods in agreement. "Oh and I believe that they'd be over here.." Kenma walks across the aisle and near the counter where different flavor pie bars are.

Hinata pats Kenma's back lightly, "Good job! Wanna take your pick? I'll be paying of course!" He says proudly.

Kenma looks over his shoulder at Hinata, "Where did you get money?" He asks curiously.

"Oh my Mom pays me to watch Natsu—my little sister— while she works late shifts!" He explains, once again proud that he takes such good care of his little sister.

Kenma lifts his fingers to his lips and laughs a little, "Ah I see." He lifts his other hand to grab one of the apple pie bars, which are wrapped in green plastic-paper with funky designs. "This is it." He informs Hinata.

"Oh okay! Ooo.." he looked over at the other shelving, which hold spicy chips shaped like long pocky sticks. "Those look interesting.. I'm gonna go check those out!" He says happily and walks over.

Kenma stands and waits with his little bar in hand. He looks around the convenient store, it's an ordinary one with not much too in it. Kenma suddenly feels a familiar presence, and turns around slowly, he faces Kuroo.

They both stare at each other silently, the air around them is very tense. "Oh.. hey Kenma.." Kuroo says with a very awkward smile, he rubs the back of his head.

Kenma sighs, "You're being weird. Hi Kuro." He replies.

Kuroo sighs of relief, Kenma is still calling him by his little nickname, which is just another pronunciation of his name. Kuroo laughs a little, "Sorry."

"Hey Kenma!" The setter looks a little to the left, he nearly opens his mouth to scream of frustration, but he holds it back.

"Hey Yachi." Kenma says, he follows her arm and sees that she's wrapped hers around Kuroo, his Kuroo. He brings his eyes up to look at Kuroo for an explanation, even though he fully knows why she has hooked her arm to his.

"Oh, I'm surprised you remember her name." Kuroo and Yachi give a small chuckle. Kenma just nods. "Um.. this is kind of awkward. So I guess I'm doing this now.." Yachi looks up to him with encouraging eyes. "I started dating Yachi not too long ago, I was going to tell you later, but I guess you deserve an explanation now."

Tears threaten to spill out of Kenma's eyes, he knew what they were, but he hated hearing it from Kuroo's mouth. "Okay." He can't help but give a small disgusted face.

Kuroo frowns, "Are you okay." He asks, wondering why Kenma was mad again. "Did I do something wrong again."

Kenma looks at Kuroo then back at Yachi, "Yes, you have." He says, not bothering anymore to sugar cost anything.

Kuroo steps in front of Yachi, "Why are you looking at her like that? She hasn't done anything wrong." He defends his girlfriend, and Yachi peeks out from behind him, a little scared.

Kenma scoffs, "Obviously she hasn't, this is the first time I'm talking to her." He states, and then folds his arm across his hands.

"Why are you so mad. You can be mad at me but not her." He tells, Kenma gives a tch sound which makes Kuroo a little more frustrated. "Okay, what's your deal? You were crying yesterday and now you have an overwhelming attitude, if I did something that bad why can't you just tell me?!" Kuroo says, not purposely raising his voice but he does.

Kenma looks at the floor and clenches his fists tightly. "What.. you are in no place to be mad at me." Kenma raises his head and gives Kuroo a furious expression.

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