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"You're my addiction"

"You're my addiction"

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An irritation runs my nerves when I heard my phone ring and vibrating under my pillow. I lazily grabbed the phone as I opened my eyes to answer the caller.

"Who is this, and why are you calling me in the middle of my sleep?" I said in an irritated tone still lying to bed.  As a doctor, being tired is normal, you're energy will be drained because of an emergency, and operating the person depends on the patient's condition.

"And why in the hell you're still sleeping, Park Y/n?" A familiar voice answered my voice from another line.

It was my sister.

"Oh, unnie, it's you" I suddenly become calm hearing her voice. "Sorry unnie, I'm sleeping since I'm tired because of surgery 4 hours ago," I complain to her and I can tell she's rolling her eyes in another line.

"I'll buy you an (f/f) drink later when we got to the hospital." My sister said that make my eyes opened, but I'm too tired to get up.

"No, I'm still tired." I declined, my eyes are slowly closing again.

"I'll buy your meal." My eyes opened again like I heard something motivational to get up.

"A whole meal?" I asked while raising both of my eyebrows.

I heard her sigh as my lips formed a smile, "Fine, just get up from your bed and get ready to work." I smiled in victory hearing her answered as I sit from my bed.

"You didn't receive the text of Doctor Kwon, don't you?"

"Text?" I asked clueless about what she's asking. "Uhhhh. No, I did not receive it." I said as I stand up lazily to get up from my bed.

"Or you did not read it."

"I'm too lazy." I heard her sigh, again. "I'm gonna hung up now, I'll be there in 30 minutes." That's too fast, I wanna lie on my bed all day.

"Okie, Just enter my house if ever I'm still not done," I said as we hung up. I continue to do my routine

-After 45 Minutes-

I walk downstairs and saw her sitting on the couch.

"Good morning, my dearest sister," I said kissing her cheeks, I feel that she rolled eyes to me. I lightly giggle because of that, I like annoying her. "Did I make you wait too much?"

"No, just in time. Let's go we'll be late." Rosé-unnie said and got up from the couch, get her things from the center table. I took my bag and check if my things are complete.

YANDERE SERIES I: SCENT || KIM JENNIE X FEMALE READEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora