𝖈 𝖍 𝖆 𝖕 𝖙 𝖊 𝖗 3

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A/n - I realised the note is quite small to read on phone - so it might help to turn it horizontal! I hope you enjoy xx

I awoke, jolting upwards, and for a split second confused - in this unfamiliar setting. But quickly I remembered where I was, and immediately glanced over at Draco's bed; which was empty and neatly made. I gently climb out of the bed, my bare feet hitting the soft carpet, and straighten the covers of the bed to look presentable. I smile to myself, realising my situation. I'm finally out; finally free - free ish. I see a note, on the bed side table, written in a slightly scruffy but pretty hand.

I place the note neatly back down on the table, and notice my belongings at the corner of the room

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I place the note neatly back down on the table, and notice my belongings at the corner of the room. My favourite bunny teddy on top of the LV suitcases. I open them and find a black swimsuit using wandless magic, along with a pair of trousers and an oversized shirt to go on top. I didn't own many day dresses - the summer kind; the only dresses I owned were the ones for occasions - which I had rarely attended. But I had a feeling that was about to change.

I climb out of the bath, still bare and dripping wet, with the strong scent of lavender radiating from my cleansed body. I remove the plug of the bathtub, and watch the water slowly drain out.
My fingers reach for a towel to wrap around my body, and once covered, I begin brushing my soaking hair. Although I was able to use magic to accomplish mundane tasks such as brushing my hair, I always enjoyed the simple, physical acts that produced result, in a form other than magic.
The door creaks open, causing me to jump, and my towel to fall, and in the mirror, I see Mr Malfoy standing with an eyebrow raised and a smirk growing on his lips.
Frozen, in a state of embarrassment and vulnerability, he says almost in a whisper,
"I believed you dropped something, Miss L/n."
I fall quickly to the floor, to pick up the towel and position it loosely in front of my body - my cheeks flushing red. His eyes remain glued to the bare skin of my collar bone and any other area exposed at that moment - previously, all other areas, and I shrink under his gaze.
"Shit." I mutter to myself, as he approaches me, my hands shaking violently. He steps close to me, only inches between us, and speaks, even quieter than before;
"I do apologise my dear, you see, this is actually my personal bathroom. Usually, I am not accustomed to knocking before entering." His breath practically tickling my cheek.
"I - I..."
"Now now, no need to get yourself in a state over a simple mistake like this." His finger brushes a stray curl behind my ear and running it slowly along my jaw.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware- I mean I was, it's just I was told that-"
"Shush." He whispers, placing his index finger over my lips in a motion to quiet me. He leans closer to my right ear, my heart pounding and breathing quickening, and whispers slowly in a dark tone,
"If I ever, catch you, in my bathroom again - without my permission." His words slow and lips brushing my ear. "You will be punished." His pronunciation of the final word so particular in every syllable and letter, sending shivers up my spine.
He steps back slightly, allowing me to take in a deeper breath. Towering over me still, I feel his hands upon my towel as he secures it around my body, chuckling to himself as he does so.
"Clearly, you are unable to fasten a towel, properly, by yourself." He says with a smirk obviously taking pride in his clearly dominant position in the situation. And gently brushes his fingers against my collar bone, before scanning his eyes one last time, and turning around.
"See you around Miss L/n." He speaks as he leaves the bathroom, the door slamming violently behind him, causing me to jump. What the hell just happened?


I ate breakfast alone, and as quick as possible to avoid anymore 'meetings' with him - my mind flooding with conflicting thoughts about Lucius Malfoy. I knew that was not a general way of communication. That man definitely has - besides extremely good looks - some sort of game he wants to play. And I know I hate it - or perhaps I don't; I am yet to decide.


"Come on in Y/n, there's nothing to be afraid of!" Draco calls from inside the pool, splashing about rather childishly.

"I'm not scared, I'd just rather watch." I reply, still laying by the poolside on a soft sun-bed.

"Suit yourself. It's not everyday you get to spend time in the heated pool of the Malfoy Manor with none other than Draco Malfoy himself." He says smugly.

"Try not to harass the young lady Draco." I hear a low voice speak from behind. I turn around to see Lucius Malfoy in a black silk robe, and a towel in hand. "Sometimes the art of convincing requires much more than cocky words." He slowly begins to take off his robe, stepping closer to me in the process, and dropping it over my feet. "Afternoon Miss L/n."

"Good afternoon Mr Malfoy," I reply with false confidence. He holds a hand out for me to take. At first I hesitate.

"I am not a paitent man Miss L/n."

I sit up slightly and pull down my trousers, revealing my swimsuit. I then, as quickly as possible, unbutton my shirt, allowing it to drop to the floor. With excitement and slight fear, I place my hand into his, avoiding his eyes scanning my body in the tight swimsuit. He gently leads me to the edge of the pool.
Upon impulsive urge, I let go of his hand, and push him into the pool, instantly regretting my action. He groans as he surfaces after the splash and shock of the fall, and a laugh emerges from Draco.
"You are a very silly girl." He says almost growling and running his hands through his hair multiple times.
I giggle, and decide to jump in after him, splashing them both in the process.
"Son, why don't we show our lovely lady here how us Malfoy men deal with disobedient girls like her."
"Of course father, you secure and I'll attack."
I throw my hands up in surrender and begin to retreat from them, still laughing slightly.
"I'm sorry sir, it was an accident?"
"Aw look father, she's a horrible liar as well."
I turn around in the water and try to swim away from them, but I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist pulling me back.
"I've got you now girl." I hear Mr Malfoy whisper in my ear, tightening his grip around me.
Then, I feel a series of unmerciful splashes of water practically drowning me, from Draco who seemed to me enjoying himself thoroughly.
"Please - no more!" I beg, in between splashes and trying to cover my face with my hands.
"Hm, now she will think twice about ever crossing one of us again." I hear Draco say laughing.
"Yes, won't you Miss L/n?" I hear Draco's father say to me, leaning close from behind me. At first I didn't answer, just nodded, but then I felt his hands press into me a bit harder as he whispered,
"You will answer me."
I draw in a quick breath, and stutter,
"Y-yes, of course. Never again."
Visibly blushing immensely from his intimate touch, I push at Mr Malfoy's arms to release myself from his grasp, which he allows, and speedily swim off to the edge of the pool.
"Excuse me." I say quietly, as I climb out of the pool, struggling slightly as my body felt weirdly weak from the situation. One thing is certain - those Malfoy men, or one in particular, definitely knows how to mess with me in all sorts of ways.
I quickly glance back towards the pool, to see Draco and his father laughing with each other - something that seemed almost impossible in this house. I grab a towel from the rack, to dry my dripping body and walk to the bathroom by the side of the pool.
As I stare into the mirror, I run my fingers along where Mr Malfoy's hands had been, instantly feeling a surge of butterflies at the mere remembrance.
Although it may have seemed like nothing, just a small fun game, there was something about his words that made me feel dangerous, on edge, something about his touch that made me feel excited in the worst kind of ways. And as much as I liked the way this felt, I knew it was wrong, or worse, in my head - so I decided that from then on, I was to ignore any possible signs that I may have been reading into wrongly.

(A/n - hope you enjoyed the chapter! it was a bit shorter than the others, but i wanted to get some outtt to you lovely readers xxx )

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